Wifed Up Wednesday: Ann-Kathrin Brommel

Athletes get the hottest women. That’s a scientific fact. Fortunately for us, being a hot chick with a high-profile athlete means your pictures are out there for the world to see. Today, we bring you Ann-Kathrin Brommel — wife of German soccer player Mario Götze. Enjoy.

    1. Tuco_1855

      I hate to admit it as well, but lets call a spade a spade here. European soccer wives are the hottest sports wives in the game. Give me the top 20 European soccer wives over a top 20 group in any sport anywhere. These ladies cover Spain to Scandinavia and Southeastern Europe. All complexions and shapes. Plus, soccer is the most popular and highest class of sports wife over there as well. These guys truly get the absolute cream of the crop for the entire continent. Hard to compete with that.

      10 years ago at 1:26 pm
      1. JFratsby

        Tuco has a point. These women are top notch. Google Ludvine Sanga and I promise you won’t be disappointed by what you see

        10 years ago at 11:18 pm
  1. Puddles10

    Looked at these pictures, realized she looks like Brittney Palmer, looked at pictures of Brittney Palmer, ruined my new pants.

    10 years ago at 1:08 pm