Woman Flicks Off Cop And Sings National Anthem Before Getting Tased

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The way I see it, you aren’t a true American until you’ve been tased. That Philadelphia Phillies kid? The “don’t tase me bro” guy? Me? All of us are the real patriots because we decided to take a stand against authority. Sure, some might not consider that 85-year-old greeter at Walmart whose purse I snatched as an authority figure, but that half tube of Burt’s Bees that I jacked had enough of the good stuff in it for me to beeze the entire 45 minutes I was incarcerated, so I regret nothing.

Anyway, a Missouri woman recently joined our patriotic ranks. After getting flicked off by the unnamed woman, police officer Brian Schellman went in hot pursuit. He estimates she was speeding around 85mph. Shortly after the chase began, the woman stopped her car in the middle of I-44, narrowly avoiding numerous collisions. What happened next was even more ridiculous.

From Fox 2:

Police say the woman exited her car and began to run down the interstate while singing the national anthem. The police officer gave chase on foot, yelling for her to stop. Police tell (Fox 2) she stopped and began yelling “Martin Luther King” at the officer, before jumping into the path of an oncoming car. The car swerved to avoid her, and the officer drew his taser gun and tased her to the ground.

The latter part of the confrontation was caught on video. Take a look.

Part of me is extremely pissed that our girl’s rendition of the “Star-Spangled Banner” wasn’t caught on tape. It would’ve been awesome if she was any good. Could you imagine how funny her American Idol background montage would’ve been? I guess she could have spun it to say she was a street performer or something.

I respect this woman’s spontaneity. She’s got the spice of life.

[via Fox 2]