Women Who Show Cleavage Are More Likely To Land Job Interviews


While much is being made of England leaving the European Union and #Brexit stories flooding social newsfeeds, the good people of France are saving face for Europe by conducting groundbreaking research.

According to a study from Paris-Sorbonne University, women, get this, are more likely to land an interview if they undo a button or two in their headshots:

“Here’s the deal: over a period of three years, researchers responded to hundreds of job ads using two fictional female candidates: both had nearly identical resumes and experience, but one wore a low-cut top in her application photograph (commonly used when applying for jobs in France), while the other wore a conservative high-neck blouse. Can you guess which one attracted more interview offers? Yep. Researchers found that more cleavage = more interest from recruiters.

Out of 200 sales job queries, the woman wearing a low-cut top attracted 62 more interview offers than their more conservatively dressed counterpart. And just in case you’re thinking, Well, maybe that kiiiiiiinda makes sense for sales jobs, since a lower cut top might come across as more youthful and fun and stylish, guess what? The same thing happened with accounting jobs, which you would think would be more conservative: there were 68 more interview offers for the woman in the low-cut top.”

I mean, WOW. I, for one, am shocked by this news. You mean to tell me that sex appeal might help you get ahead in this world more than an Ivy League-caliber education? I need a Lena Dunham take-down piece calling for an end to this sort sexism and I need it now.

But in all seriousness, France actually paid researchers to conduct this study? Was it really a mystery over there if guys would rather stare at a well-endowed woman all day or have a well-qualified employee? I kind of assume all French men go both ways, all Europeans for that matter, but this should’ve been a no-brainer that required no such academic research.

Here, in America, men would let their company slip into bankruptcy for the opportunity to peek down an unbuttoned blouse all day if given the opportunity.

Remember, ladies, it’s not about who you know, it’s about how good your bust looks in your headshots. A push-up bra is a beautiful thing. Deceiving, but nonetheless a beautiful thing.

Tell daddy not to fear, he won’t have to shell out a small fortune for college tuition anymore. A new pair of knockers is looking more and more like a bargain and has a much better return on investment.

Double all seriousness, go away, Lena Dunham.

[via Yahoo]

Image via Shutterstock

    1. InternationalFratStudent

      I feel like if anyone else other than you said this, it would get ups

      9 years ago at 6:15 pm
  1. TheFrattydaddy69

    Bigger tits must mean your more evolved as a human being so you must be a better employee. It’s basically science.

    9 years ago at 6:08 pm
      1. The User Formerly Known as Frabst

        That’s why so many of them vote Democrat and like men out there.

        9 years ago at 7:16 am
  2. Johnny_Boner

    I’m just waiting on the study that finds women enjoy mediocre sex with obese men.

    9 years ago at 7:35 am