Work Hangovers

I don’t remember a lot from last night. I know that the TFM crew went out and partied with the guys from BroBible. I know that I drank a Trops-esque drink that everyone who isn’t from Mizzou (so, uh, everyone) made fun of me for. I know that I sloppily and unsuccessfully hit on some Tri-Delts from Oregon who inexplicably came to Austin for their spring break. And I know that I literally almost came to blows with a 5’2” Pakistani cab driver (I’m so badass) over whether or not he took debit cards. All of that is to say I got really really drunk last night.

Which leads me to today. I am really really hungover. I didn’t even get into work until noon. Thankfully I work for TotalFratMove, a company that not only understands that hangovers are an acceptable excuse to be late, but actually sends out emails about it.

They also provide breakfast tacos for their hungover employees. I took three and haphazardly combined them into one giant breakfast burrito/messy ball of egg, bacon, and tortilla. God bless you TotalFratMove.

Unfortunately for most people, their jobs aren’t as understanding and accepting of alcoholism as mine. I remember those times. Going into work hungover used to be the absolute worst thing in the world. Ask any postgrad you know, they’ll tell you that it’s pure torture. I mean real torture. I’d rather be waterboarded with horse semen than spend eight hours hungover in a corporate florescent box. You think your tolerance for worthless chatter with middle-aged, overweight administrative assistants is low on a normal day? Try talking about the weather when your face feels like someone spent the evening slapping it with a shovel.

As bad as you think attending that biological engineering lecture with a pounding headache and a zero tolerance for light and noise may be, remember this: you don’t technically have to be there. Even if the lecture takes attendance because the endlessly droning professor is the king of all cunts, you still don’t technically have to do anything while you’re there. Oh, and it only lasts an hour or two. But you have to show up for work, and you (sort of) have to be productive.

My worst work hangover was maybe the worst hangover I’ve ever had in my life. Before I started peddling frat smut for TFM, I worked in marketing for the largest bankruptcy law firm in St. Louis. The job sucked a thousand dicks. It paid shit and was about as interesting as watching a porno starring two virgins (terrible analogy, that would be awesome to watch). It was an awful place to be hungover. This was made doubly so by the fact that we were required to be at work at 7:00am every morning. There was literally no reason for it, we just were.

I had spent the night out with an old friend and her boyfriend. It was December 22nd and they had come in from Philadelphia for Christmas. My friend’s boyfriend, a Philly native, liked two things: Philadelphia sports (which of course is stupid) and buying booze (which of course is glorious). We started pounding Rumplemintz shots, beer, and margaritas literally the moment I got off work at 4:00pm and really never stopped. By 7:00pm we were blacked out and at a Blues game. I didn’t stop drinking until 3:00am, and I had to be up for work at 6:00am. I woke up completely shitfaced.

In one of the all time low moments of my life, right up there with watching a hobo try to hang himself in jail, I spent the first two hours of work sleeping on the floor of the private handicapped bathroom, waking only to violently vacate my bowels in the toilet. I technically wasn’t even hungover until like one o’clock. I was hammered drunk all morning. I think at one point my senses went all dull and hollow like Tom Hanks on Omaha Beach in “Saving Private Ryan.”

Since it was our last workday before Christmas, the boss man was nice enough to order a couple pizzas for the office. By a couple I mean enough for everyone to have three or four slices. Being as morning drunk as I had ever been and giving zero fucks I took an entire pizza for myself, retreated to my office, and didn’t come out until quitting time. My coworkers were probably giving me dirty looks but I didn’t really notice. I was too fucked up to work my computer, let alone interpret social cues. I spent the afternoon pounding on my keyboard like a confused chimpanzee until my browser went to Pandora and randomly pulling thirty minute George Costanzas under my desk. I was a not a good employee.

This shouldn’t stop you from drinking on weekdays after you graduate. Happy hours rule, and letting those happy hours casually segue into an all night Thursday rage fest is even better. But be forewarned, there is no hangover worse than a work hangover.

Follow me on Twitter @BaconTFM

  1. FratopianWetDream

    I really wish I could work for totalfratmove. It must be awesome, but the pay might be shitty.

    13 years ago at 1:18 pm
    1. Southern Asswhole

      This site makes a lot of money with all the ads they have on the sides though.

      13 years ago at 3:04 pm
    2. Raised2Haze

      I would pledge the TFM office. It would be a fun and great place to work. Sadly, im a marketing student and they seem to have a handle on things in that department.

      13 years ago at 6:17 am
    3. Sigma_Raw_Dog

      Oh dude I’m a chemical engineer, maybe they could use me in the office for something….or maybe I’d end up being hazed by dick and dorn and then balled seeing I have nothing to do with business.

      13 years ago at 8:19 am
  2. anon7472974648

    Downtown St. Louis is phenomenal, and Scottrade Center has been pretty cool since the team regained respectability; having said that, the Blues still suck (regular season doesn’t matter) and will lose in the second round.

    Season starts in 2 weeks. Go Wings.

    13 years ago at 1:24 pm
    1. DiscipleFratthew

      Go back to that desolate hell hole with the other mouth breathers then, you Detroit scum fucks. Fuck both of you. Burn in hell with Todd Bertuzzi.

      13 years ago at 2:59 pm
      1. Reagans disciple

        Cups don’t make noise dumbass, go fuck an octopus. I hear that’s chill in detroit

        13 years ago at 2:04 pm
    2. DiscipleFratthew

      Go make an appearance on Hardcore Pawn with all those native monkeys. Don’t make me call Patrick Roy and Sakic to deliver a beatdown to you.

      13 years ago at 3:18 pm
    3. anon7472974648

      After 6 goals allowed in game seven, and a couple of black eyes from Vernie and Ozzie to boot, I doubt the Statute of Liberty would ever come back to Hockeytown.

      13 years ago at 3:25 pm
    4. YanksFratHard

      All Hockeytown has to do is call up Darren McCarty, he’s still wasted hanging out at bars in Birmingham waiting to make some pussy Aves turtle like Claude Lemieux.

      13 years ago at 3:39 pm
    5. Geordie La Frat

      Everyone above me is a moron. Hockey is for Canadians and quitters. I bet you guys like soccer too?

      13 years ago at 4:03 pm
    6. Fraternity Lifestyle

      Fuck any team that isn’t the Red Wings. Blackhawks, Blues, Preds, and Avs can go suck a BND. Lidstrom’s going out on top this year.

      13 years ago at 2:13 am
    7. slesner

      I’m from metro-detroit and born in 1990 (as I’m assuming most of the people on this site were born in about the same time frame). Do you realize that for my entire existence, the Red Wings have made the playoffs every single year?

      Oh and go ahead and tell me about how the Blues made the playoffs for 25 straight years and I’ll respond with the number 0, because that’s how many Stanley Cups you guys won in that time frame.

      13 years ago at 2:19 pm
    8. Brofalo and Company

      Downtown St. Louis sucks jungle dick. Have you ever even been there? I love walking 5 miles in between shitty bars.

      13 years ago at 12:02 pm
    9. fratslammin

      All those that have interest in a sport that is based from another countries culture, The sports I am talking about are hockey and soccer. Go kill yourself.

      13 years ago at 9:54 am
  3. WhoDatFrat80

    Team Bacon.
    “I’d rather be waterboarded with horse semen than spend eight hours hungover in a corporate florescent box.”
    Laughed out loud

    13 years ago at 1:25 pm
    1. Fratzgerald

      People like Bama4Obama are the reason why our country is fucked. They speak before the act and are all on welfare

      13 years ago at 11:18 am
  4. Captain Thorpe

    “It paid shit and was about as interesting as watching a porno starring two virgins (terrible analogy, that would be awesome to watch)” hahaha best line in the column.

    13 years ago at 1:51 pm