World Cup Teams That Banned Players From Fucking Didn’t Make It Past Round Of 16

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It’s true. Players of several teams were banned from having sex while participating in the World Cup in Brazil. It seems there is a concern that players who spend their time fucking between games are players that will tire easier. These teams include: Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, and Mexico. No fucking for these guys. The first two teams, Russia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, didn’t advance from the group stage. Chile and Mexico fell to their opponents in the Round of 16.

The eight teams that reached the quarterfinal final round of the World Cup were all given the green light to fuck away, although some of the teams–Brazil and Costa Rica, to name two–were given certain fucking restrictions. Brazil’s players were told they were allowed to fuck as long as they didn’t implement any “acrobatics” into their routines. No bicycle kicks in the sack, I suppose. Costa Rican players were allowed to fuck, just “not all night long.”

What do we learn from this? Let your players fuck, I guess.

From CBS DC:

While there has been no scientific evidence validating that sex adversely affects athletic performance, many coaches and teams still believe that it produces tired, unfocused players.

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, guys. Athletes have been fucking before taking the field since the Greeks participated in the first Olympics, and they used to perform naked, so you KNOW they were fucking beforehand. Besides, fucking is the best way to clear your head before a big game. Everybody knows that.

[via CBS DC]

  1. JustForTheStory

    To be fair, the “I play soccer for Bosnia and Herzegovina” card probably doesn’t help too much with the ladies.

    10 years ago at 10:33 pm
  2. JustForTheStory

    Going to get lapped for this comment, but if these ladies knew anything about soccer (or their country), they would have the Cross of Saint George as opposed to the Union Jack.

    10 years ago at 10:37 pm