Write For TFM And Earn U.S. Currency

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The first time you get published on TFM, your dick grows three internet inches, then slowly and steadily each time after that. Having hundreds of published pieces currently appearing on this site, I can’t even virtually walk anymore while trying to lug this cyber dick around.

Hi, are you the funniest person you know and possess the ability to translate your humor to written words? Do you have better than shitty grammar? Are you familiar with our site? Would you like to write for us and have your work read by an assload of people, AND put a little beer money in your pocket in the process? If you answered in the affirmative to these questions, I have an opportunity for you.

Total Frat Move is seeking the funniest, most creative writers in the country. If you prove you can contribute quality content consistently, we will make you an offer to join our freelance writing team.

So, why would you want to write for TFM (aside from the long e-dong)? Here’s why:

1. The Grandex network attracts between 12 and 22 million unique visitors each month. Bottom line: your work will be read by many, many people.

2. It’s great experience. For you journalism majors and aspiring writers, this is a great résumé addition and a foot in the industry door. You also get to experience firsthand the inner workings of a successful website.

3. You get paid per published piece.

4. It’s a lot of fun.

If you’re interested and think you’re the ideal candidate to write for us, please send me an email (dillon@grandex.co) with this subject line: TFM WRITER: [your first and last name], along with 100 words about why you’d dominate this position. I will instruct you from there. Please do not email me unless you are prepared to prove you’re a quality writer with a writing sample, which I will provide details on with my response to you.

    1. ProudPhi2042

      *that badly, it would appear you won’t be getting paid to write either, champ.

      10 years ago at 4:48 pm
  1. FratstarsnStripes

    You do realize big dicks are notoriously NF, especially internet dicks..

    Writing for TFM is NF

    10 years ago at 9:02 pm
  2. Beta Theta Phrat

    I’m gonna apply, fabricate some fratty-ass pseudonym, and psych you fuckers out one day. Wish me fuck (frat luck).

    10 years ago at 9:05 pm
  3. Dog_the_Pledge_Hunter

    I’d highly recommend Shibby take a crack at this. His comments are thus far my favorite on this website.

    10 years ago at 9:07 pm
    1. CedarFuckinFalls

      Shut up Shibby. Also Dale why did you delete my comment? I demand answers

      10 years ago at 9:13 pm
  4. CrowHoeSlayer

    So you’re saying that these interns would make more money not working at TFM… Don’t let them out of the cabinet long enough to see this or they might take off

    10 years ago at 9:17 pm
  5. BrooksBrosFunShirt

    I suck at writing, but can you pay me for my Try Hard Thursday columns?

    10 years ago at 9:21 pm