Yik Yak Offers 11 Tips For Incoming Freshmen

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Yik Yak is an anonymous shit-talking application that has become popular the past year on college campuses for obvious reasons. The forum also offers plenty of opportunities to give worthwhile advice. Recently, Yik Yak asked its users to give their best advice for incoming college freshmen. Here’s the knowledge they shared.

Just tell her everything she's doing wrong and rock a semi-chub when spotting her.
Just tell her everything she’s doing wrong and rock a semi-chub when spotting her.
Then ask what bars are accepting underage kids that night.
Then ask what bars are accepting underage kids that night.
Ever see "The Perfect Score"? Me neither, but I'm positive this is how it was done.
Ever see “The Perfect Score”? Me neither, but I’m positive this is how it was done.
Especially in classes with more than 300 people.
Especially in classes with more than 300 people.
I feel like this doesn't even need to be said...it's already understood.
I feel like this doesn’t even need to be said…it’s already understood.
Instant panty dropper.
Instant panty dropper.
Make sure it's that new Drake album.
Great way to show off those new subs you just got installed. Make sure it’s that new Drake album.
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Just act the part. Just act the part.
Oasis's "Wonderwall" gets the ladies every time.
Oasis’s “Wonderwall” gets the ladies every time.
Veteran move. Freshman girls honestly don't know the difference.
Veteran move. Freshman girls honestly don’t know the difference.
  1. Jeffrey Lebowski

    Jack Hammer,
    Please look at the Naval Academy’s Yik Yak page. I don’t go there but I read it recently and it is hilarious. I am not a writer here so do whatever it is you do and take someone else’s funny things and put it together for TFM readers to read.

    10 years ago at 12:27 am
  2. georgepeterson

    Just saw a community app called Spiral on TechCrunch. Looks awesome! The link is sprlr.com

    10 years ago at 10:58 am
  3. The Many Faces of Yik Yak - TallahasseeSceneTallahasseeScene

    […] Via: Total Frat Move […]

    10 years ago at 10:01 am