This would be an introductory logic course, not math and the last time I checked, you need logic for law school. I wouldn’t expect anything less from a geed in Hawaii.
You don’t need anything for law school. There are no requirements. You have no idea what you’re talking about, but I wouldn’t expect anything less from some hipster who made his name an Apple reference and goes on here to be ironic.
first of all, this is the simplest question I’ve ever seen. secondly, you most definitely took this test home, edited it, and then posted a picture of it on TFM, because you’re way too much of a pussy to turn this in.
It is logic, and many schools offer it as an option for a math credit for non-math majors. Trust me, it’s hard as fuck. That shit in the picture is what you learn in the first week. From there on out, it’s theorems, formulas and equations based strictly on letters and a complex array of symbols germane strictly to the realm of logical reasoning. It’s a fucking nightmare if you go to class hungover and don’t pay attention all semester. Not even test banks could save me.
if you posted this picture, you are nf.
you posted this picture.
therefore, you are nf.
i never paid attention in my logic class because my professor was a fuckin california fruitcake who rambled on about obama all damn day. good work though, pointing out an error that hardly anyone noticed for no reason other than to be “THAT” guy. congrats.
White paper/black pen = NF.
14 years ago at 10:29 amWriting on paper = NF.
14 years ago at 3:03 pmwriting. NF
14 years ago at 6:41 pmStuff like this was funny in 3rd grade.
14 years ago at 8:39 pm3rd Grade. NF.
14 years ago at 6:19 pmTrying to hard
14 years ago at 10:32 amtoo*
14 years ago at 10:32 amVolcanoes- NF
14 years ago at 10:54 amvolcano insurance FaF
14 years ago at 11:23 amSelling catastrophe re-insurance – FaF
14 years ago at 11:47 amI dont know where Imma gonna go when the volcano blows.
14 years ago at 12:08 pm^nice Jimmy Buffet reference
14 years ago at 12:19 pmBuffett*
14 years ago at 12:20 pmJimmy Buffett= FaF
14 years ago at 3:20 pmjimmy buffet-NF
14 years ago at 4:43 pmJimmy Buffet FaF
14 years ago at 4:55 pmJimmy’s buffet. FaF.
14 years ago at 8:33 pmIts actually and invalid argument. The evidence satisfies the q quotient, not the p..
14 years ago at 11:00 amTrue, technically, one could still be fratty while not wearing a bowtie according to logical thought.
14 years ago at 9:00 amWrong…get back in the kitchen and leave the thinking to us sweetheart
14 years ago at 8:53 pmThis would be an introductory logic course, not math and the last time I checked, you need logic for law school. I wouldn’t expect anything less from a geed in Hawaii.
14 years ago at 11:03 amYou don’t need anything for law school. There are no requirements. You have no idea what you’re talking about, but I wouldn’t expect anything less from some hipster who made his name an Apple reference and goes on here to be ironic.
14 years ago at 11:17 pmYou’re cool bro.
14 years ago at 10:09 amfirst of all, this is the simplest question I’ve ever seen. secondly, you most definitely took this test home, edited it, and then posted a picture of it on TFM, because you’re way too much of a pussy to turn this in.
14 years ago at 11:10 amand i can’t believe you had to draw out diagrams, that’s completely retarded.
14 years ago at 11:11 amdiagrams=NF
14 years ago at 12:10 pmtaking tests. NF.
14 years ago at 2:06 pmenrolled in college=NF
14 years ago at 6:23 pminvalid, bowties arent the only fratty thing, you couldve had sperrys and costas on
14 years ago at 11:16 amThere’s a college in Hawaii?
14 years ago at 11:41 amNot knowing there is a college in Hawaii=NF
14 years ago at 2:10 pmnot caring to find out if there is a college in Hawaii. FaF
14 years ago at 5:28 pmHula=NF
14 years ago at 6:25 pmNot being able to realize sarcasm. NF.
14 years ago at 6:18 pmIs this really a college math class? I guess the academic standards are very low in Hawaii.
14 years ago at 11:51 amIt’s most likely logic which is technically classified as philosophy.
14 years ago at 7:59 pmThey probably figure everyone is smoking meth…since apparently everyone in Hawaii smokes meth.
Meth. NF.
14 years ago at 8:14 pmIt is logic, and many schools offer it as an option for a math credit for non-math majors. Trust me, it’s hard as fuck. That shit in the picture is what you learn in the first week. From there on out, it’s theorems, formulas and equations based strictly on letters and a complex array of symbols germane strictly to the realm of logical reasoning. It’s a fucking nightmare if you go to class hungover and don’t pay attention all semester. Not even test banks could save me.
14 years ago at 8:21 pmManchild, I love how you know what you’re talking about in regards to this logic class…being intelligent is attractive to me, so good for you!
14 years ago at 6:55 amMeth=FaF
14 years ago at 7:07 amQuit bitching about a logic class, try Calc IV or Differential Equations and get back to us.
14 years ago at 7:23 amQuit bitching about Calc IV and Differential Equations and take Polymer Science, geed.
14 years ago at 1:19 amif you are NF, you post this picture.
14 years ago at 11:57 amyou posted this picture.
therefore, you are NF.
a) Valid argument
14 years ago at 12:44 pmC) not enough information to decide
14 years ago at 1:44 pma
14 years ago at 1:55 pmI am not standing up for this picture at all, but your argument is invalid. Not knowing simple logic, NF.
14 years ago at 4:16 pmok you nitpicky little jizzrag;
if you posted this picture, you are nf.
you posted this picture.
therefore, you are nf.
i never paid attention in my logic class because my professor was a fuckin california fruitcake who rambled on about obama all damn day. good work though, pointing out an error that hardly anyone noticed for no reason other than to be “THAT” guy. congrats.
14 years ago at 5:19 pmHe ownd you more than Chris Brown ownd Rihanna.
14 years ago at 6:29 pm^this
14 years ago at 7:20 pm