You Might Be A Tryhard If…

In recent years, more than ever before, the ideals of fraternity life have become more and more mainstream and homogenized. I’m not going to say TFM deserves all the credit, but the national emergence of the wonderful “frat” lifestyle is no longer limited to the Southern states.

This has brought the unfortunate GDIs of the world some opportunity, but with great power comes great responsibility, and we’ve all seen the guys who take it too far. The beauty of being a true fraternity man lies in the fact that you can’t look like you’re trying to impress anyone. It has to come naturally, and those that reach for plaids and pastels every morning end up looking like fools. Here are a few guidelines for recognizing a tryhard, with your help we can surely stop this epidemic plaguing our fair names.

You Might Be A Tryhard If…

You wear a Speedo on the float trip because it has a zero-inch inseam.

You write “TFTC” on your professor’s end of semester evaluation.

You wear a full seersucker suit, and don’t own slaves or a plantation.

You play intramurals in Vineyard Vines print compression shorts.

You just started drinking Makers Mark a month ago.

You tell rushees you’re the “Animal House” of campus.

You wear a bowtie to class on a Tuesday morning.

You regularly shotgun beers alone while checking out your reflection.

You can’t identify the fish on the back of your Guy Harvey shirt.

You own a shotgun, but have never tried to kill an animal with it.

You refuse to eat bacon for breakfast because you’re #TeamDorn.

You have a different pair of croakies for every Polo you own.

You go to football games, but can’t name more than two players on the team.

You talk about how much game you have, but end up sleeping with a pudgy bottom tier slore every night.

You pregame your final exams to look cool, but fail each one miserably.

You wrap a koozie around your nutsack and tell your slam to “take a sip.”

You haze strangers on a day-to-day basis just so you don’t “get rusty.”

You wear any form of Men’s Lily Pulitzer clothing.

You noticed that I just spelled Lilly Pulitzer wrong.

You wouldn’t fuck Kate Upton because she isn’t in a sorority.

No one responds when you try to start a “U-S-A” chant in the Starbucks line.

You look like someone out of a Columbia fashion show but you’ve never been fishing.

You treasure your Costa del Mar’s so much that you’ve never actually put them on.

You can’t play JENGA because you only pick up blocks from the top-tier.

You’re in your sixth year or higher of undergrad.

You hate woodsers and marshmallows, because you can’t spell bonfire without NF.

  1. BromasJefferson

    You might be a tryhard if you’re trying to look “frat” by wearing Sperry’s but you’re still wearing those stupid Nike socks…

    12 years ago at 4:44 pm
  2. DonBreaux

    Hold up…wrapping your coozie around your nutsack and telling your slam to take a sip is a try hard move?

    12 years ago at 4:09 pm
  3. Todd Action Storm

    I will destroy these try hards. Just as they destroy my rivers. They will see justice. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to write, as I was in hiding due to my recent infarction. I’ve only had my butt peed in twice by big foot. Luckily, I was able to kill him with a grenade I had stowed between my man boobs. Now, I will focus on these tryhards. Let’s roll.

    12 years ago at 10:37 am
  4. OhSoCorporate

    I love tie Tuesdays!!! (rarely a bow tie though, save those for appropriate occasions)

    12 years ago at 10:36 am