You Should Go To A State School

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As a generation, we’re pretty obsessed with doing great things in college. I don’t mean beating our best flip cup scores or winning 25 games of beer pong in a row, though. I mean we’re obsessed with getting into the kind of school that could theoretically allow us to be published astrophysicists before the age of 30. Ivy League schools seem to be parents’ goals for their kids now, with private preschool programs, SAT prep boot camps, and enough AP and IB exams to graduate from school in two years. It’s madness. It’s also not doing us any favors, because Ivy League schools actually suck. “Why? How? What do I do with this 4.5 GPA then?” you might shout at your screen right about now since you only applied to schools with a 4.0 or greater GPA requirement. I’m glad you asked, because a state school is your answer.

Ivy League schools are, by definition, the most competitive schools outside of a few private institutions that are still damn hard to get into. Ultimately they are their own thing. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and so on are all about as easy to get into as Alcatraz was to break out of. What they require of students now is borderline insane, because for these admissions boards, failure is not an option. Growing up and going to college, on the other hand, is all about making mistakes and failing. That’s the best way to learn. Success doesn’t teach nearly as many lessons as soul-crushing failure does, and it definitely doesn’t make you a better person if you never fail. You’ve seen those “rich kids of Instagrams” people. They’re basically walking supermassive black holes of douchiness, sucking out all class or intelligence around them. That’s what happens when you never have to experience any failure or hardship. No one wants to be the guy bragging about his three Ferraris on the Internet, because that guy gets his shit vandalized and doesn’t understand why no one likes him except when he’s throwing $100 bills.

To get into one of these top tier schools, you have to do literally everything: volunteer, work, study, play a sport, play an instrument, cure a major disease, do your own independent research because it’s simply not enough to be a smart American teenager. I think the Ivys have all the right to be that selective, but they breed neurotic achievement hounds and you basically sell them your soul to attend school there. State schools, on the other hand, are cheaper, can have similarly prestigious programs, and they allow you to actually have a social life. Several Ivy League schools have budgets for registered socials so they can get their students to socialize. That’s right. They have to fucking pay people to get out of the library and go have fun. I don’t even comprehend how that works. If our administration handed out cash to party, we would have turned College Park into an active war zone every weekend. State schools have no such problem and a number of them are in the top 30 schools in the country, which basically means you’ll get a great education and not have to resort to “Risky Business” tactics to pay your tuition. If you can find a good school, a great program, and a place that offers the ability to party, you’re crazy not to go there–unless you like being a library-dwelling, academic vampire.

People tend to say the reason to go to prestigious, private institutions is that it gives you a great alumni network, but so do many of the state schools. The bonus with state schools is that you don’t have to sell a couple organs and your firstborn child to pay for it, thanks to pretty liberal scholarship funds. Spending $200,000 on an undergraduate degree you might not even end up using is a bad financial decision, even if the degree says “Yale” on it when you walk across the stage. That piece of paper is not necessarily worth what you paid for it, and I would argue it definitely isn’t worth what you had to give up to get it, especially when that degree doesn’t guarantee you a job in a job market that sways back and forth from “fickle” to “actively seeking to make you wallow in despair”.

State schools are a completely different beast from the prestigious, private schools. They’re big, they have respectable sports programs, and most of them are extremely diverse. If you’re interested in something, there are probably people there with the same interests, unless it’s really weird. Even then, there used to be a group of kids who would meet and play magic card games in our student union. That’s a bold move for a group of people allergic to social interaction. You have to ask yourself if a school where studying all the time and stressing about every assignment to the point of legitimate, mental anguish is worth your time and energy. You could do that and become an incredibly well-educated but neurotic drone, or you could go to a school where the beer flows freely, the women look to dress up in nothing but caution tape, and the weekends are all about game day and not study day. Sure, you might meet the douche after college who throws his business degree from Williams in your face, but all you have to remember is all the times you had fun, got laid, and didn’t go to school in the frozen tundra of the Northeast, while this guy wishes he went to a school that had fraternities, sororities, and any kind of sport to watch while blacked out in the stands.

The choice is yours: condemn yourself to a school that will make you a paranoid, academically obsessed study drone where all the fun and creativity gets sucked out of you, or go to a place where school is entirely what you make of your four (to seven) years there. At the end of the day, where you got your degree doesn’t matter so much as actually having your degree. You just have to decide what kind of experience you want to go with that piece of paper. My money is on women, booze, and sports. Where’s yours?

  1. Brosef Mengele

    Top private schools like Stanford, Cornell, and Duke have great greek lives/social scenes and are also fucking Stanford, Cornell, and Duke. If you’re smart enough to go, go.

    10 years ago at 5:58 pm
  2. JohnFratYatesSommers

    I get the have a good time in college sentiment, but your tuition cost argument makes no sense whatsoever.

    The 5 public schools in the top 30 are in virginia, california, north carolina, and michigan. If you’re lucky enough to live in one of those 4 states, that’s great news for you, but if you have to pay out of state tuition you might as well be paying an ivy league price tag. Look it up.. UVA out of state tuition and fees are only 3 grand a year cheaper than Harvard. Michigan (out of state) actually costs more than Princeton. Not to mention, the ivy league/prestigious private schools usually have vastly better need-based financial aid programs.

    10 years ago at 7:29 pm
  3. buddahsmcmansion

    either go to a fun school, whatever that may be, or go to an ivy. not that hard to figure out and “state school” excludes a lot, and includes a lot of shitty stuff. id take tcu over frostburg state any day. but GO COCKS

    10 years ago at 7:53 pm
  4. not enough beer

    It’s not the school, it’s what you do while you’re there. Private schools are great, you just gotta be excepting of the fact that you’re gonna run out of women really fast

    10 years ago at 10:00 pm
  5. Rawn

    The choice is yours: condom yourself… condom yourself… condom… condemn… condemn yourself

    10 years ago at 10:53 pm
  6. Frat Santa

    While this is a solid argument. Harvard has a sex Club, that organizes sex parties. That’s pretty god damn frat.

    10 years ago at 9:22 am
    1. Buster Highman

      that sounds gross, I’d rather take a girl home from a party of the non-sex variety.

      10 years ago at 2:08 pm
  7. Jizzmopper

    All I know is getting a full tuition scholarship bc I took an adderall and upped my ACT score four points was the greatest investment I ever made…my sister is in over 50 grand in debt because of shitty Brown that made her hate men, the South and souls…plus she has a shitty low-paying job serving the rich yuppies of the Northeast locally sourced organic foods…literally even Auburn is better than Brown

    10 years ago at 2:04 am
  8. Nitro Hazington

    I’ll bite.

    I got into Bowdoin, Princeton and a few others (was also looking at service academy). I toured and went to some events to see the school (this was years ago, I have since graduated college), it was super uncomfortable and all the kids were super weirdos (Harvard also had garbage dorms and they heard kids say that, remodeled everything and didn’t take transfer students for like 2 years). Ended up going to a private school down south and it was a much better decision, still with 5 years, study abroad my undergrad was close to the tune of 254K. I didn’t need loans so it wasn’t an issue. Would I do it again? Likely not. State school is the best decision by far.

    Undergrad is no where near what it used to be clout wise. Hardest part of Ivy League is getting in, they loose their mind if you fail since it makes their ratings slip so gentleman’s C’s are very common. They use the same text books as many other large ranked schools (asked friends from high school who ended up attending book wise).

    All you pay for at Ivy is Alumni network. Grad school/MBA is a totally different monster. You will see a mix of cool dudes who have done some great things in industry and they do some great programs. Penn’s entrepreneur track you actually develop and pitch a proposal and the school helps fund it, if it takes off great if not then that sucks. My family did state undergrad and Ivy MBA/ MS and said they didn’t regret it.

    Bottom line: all the craptastic schools pumping out undergrads makes the value of undergrad plummet (minus engineering/STEM, PET-E is over saturated however) and the cost rises, don’t even bother for undergrad. It is just a piece of paper as higher ed financed by federal government just pumps out more degrees than degree requiring jobs.

    10 years ago at 6:48 pm