Your (God Damn) Independent Student Newspaper

If there’s one thing that goes hand in hand with Student Government elections every year, it’s a massive horde of GDIs rushing the polls hoping to take the dominant Greeks out of power. And behind these skinny-jean wearing bongo playing geeds is none other than the campus student newspaper, supporting their idiotic claims.

A little background: today at the University of Florida we have the time-honored tradition of Greeks completely embarrassing the lowly Geed Party in the SG elections. And what should grace the soiled pages of “The Independent Florida Alligator” (our “newspaper”) but a near-endless stream of senseless and factless Greek bashing propaganda.

Check out this article if you don’t believe me. In this highly opinionated piece (which ran on the sports page, for some reason), the author proceeds to accuse Greeks of violating the first amendment, and likens us to a dictatorial empire.

I’m extremely sorry you didn’t get a bid, Mr. Watts, but that does not give you a legitimate excuse to completely shit on the credibility and integrity of your publication. We flip through your “newspaper” on the shitter every morning with hopes of finding out a little about what’s going on in the world, not to hear your pathetic slants and desperation.

You go on to say that “Less than 5 percent of the enrollment of UF is affiliated with a Greek organization, but nearly 100 percent of SG is controlled by fraternities and sororities.” Last time I checked, that was a compliment and not the thinly veiled insult you tried to make it. It isn’t our fault that we’re organized, and can motivate our supporters to actually vote. Maybe if the GDIs on campus would leave the drum circle and put down the bong long enough to fill out a ballot you’d actually have a chance?

If you paid as much attention to reporting the facts as you did tarnishing your journalistic credibility, then maybe your paper’s number one use on campus wouldn’t be kindling for bonfires. It’s about time you took your responsibilities as journalists a little more seriously.

I’m here to tell you why we always win: we are, actually 100% better than you. Our connections far surpass the ones you receive writing for free in the piss-stained rag you pass to the public as “news.” Maybe the reason that we win year after year isn’t because we force pledges to pass out fliers and actually manage to rally our supporters. Maybe it’s because we’re the go-getters on campus, the ones who have actual leadership experience, and the people that will eventually become your bosses.

Actually, scratch that, I would never hire someone associated with something so pathetic.

  1. 247frat

    Both candidates for President at Arkansas were Greek last year.

    The Arkansas student newspaper (The Traveler) very openly backed one of them. It was disgusting to unfold. Even after the frattier candidate won, the Trav was still spewing venom about supposed campaign violations.

    Real journalism is dead, and it’s embarrassing.

    13 years ago at 5:47 pm
  2. UncleRico314

    After the geeds lost their funding years back, now our only school newspaper is the Wall Street Journal. FaF

    13 years ago at 5:48 pm
    1. OnlyOneOrder

      Well, I do agree that many things SGAs do are pointless. At my university the members of student government can basically give money to whoever and for whatever that means mixers and any other events greeks want.

      13 years ago at 2:04 am
  3. SleepyWeasel

    School newspapers are the spawning ground of geed “resistance” they fucking slander greek life to no end and we’re still in control. I’m guessing it’s this way at every school.

    13 years ago at 7:11 pm
  4. BrosephChaddington

    I have to admit, reading all of your responses and hearing you talk about “geeds” (what the fuck is that? someone who isn’t a douchebag?) makes me extremely happy that I was not raised to be a pretentious asshole. Grow the fuck up. All of you. Your frat life is one big homosexual circle jerk. Maybe if you left your frat house every once in a while you would understand that 95% of the people on campus are LAUGHING AT YOU. People think you’re retarded! Honestly lol. If for one second you actually believe that you are considered important and necessary to a good university, you seriously need a reality check. Peace out.

    13 years ago at 7:22 pm
    1. LovingLilly

      Saying lol makes you look like a fairy boy. Which, now that I think of it, you might as well be because you’re a GDI that most likely isn’t getting laid. If for some freak reason you are, the girl probably is ugly and looks like a man anyway.

      13 years ago at 7:29 pm
    2. SleepyWeasel

      ^^so you’re saying that 95% of the people on your campus are ugly socially awkward people, while the remaining 5% are the gorgeous women you sit next to in your classes wishing you could talk to?

      13 years ago at 7:30 pm
    3. Cupid

      Thia is funnier with the word bro in your name. You want to be like us but you’re just a fairy princess who likes penis.

      13 years ago at 7:33 pm
    4. Brotavian

      We don’t care if your laughing at us, you will work for us in 10 years!!!!! And Greeks are necessary to the university, because without our alumni donations, you wouldn’t have your financial aid!!! And we’re pretentious because we have money, and are better than you. You may say that everyone is equal, but that’s bullshit. The Constitution of the United States of America says all men are created equal, and thus, as we progress through life, people become better and worse. I’m better, and you are worse. Now get the fuck off our web site, and go to where you and your other gay geed friends can go talk about how unfair we are. Life isn’t fair asshole!!!!

      13 years ago at 8:04 pm
    5. Brobert F Kennedy

      Mr. “Chaddington”, I get the impression that you’ve suffered some childhood abuse from an alcoholic parent. As such you’ve felt a lot of hostility towards the authority figures in your life. You consider people who care about how they present themselves to be pretentious. Furthermore you have repressed sexual feelings which leads you to project your homosexual impulses towards people you feel have rubbed you the wrong way. You see, what you fail to realize is that your hostility is a reflection of a lack of temperance in you, not us. I recommend you look into the writings of Marcus Aurelius, perhaps most famously his work Meditations. Take some time to “find your center” and take that “reality check” you recommend us. At some point you will realize that you are not living up to your divinely endowed potential and you will be devastated by that. Instead I fear you will spend your life miserable and alone because you ultimately hate yourself. It’s not to late to realize your potential, but if you continue to lash out at people you will only have yourself to blame for your failures.

      You have my sympathies. Good luck Mr. “Chaddington.”

      13 years ago at 11:06 pm
  5. HLS2015

    I just want to point out that the problems most “GDIs” have with the Greek system rarely have anything to do with not getting a bid, or being jealous, or being bongo-playing hipsters. Rather, it has to do with arrogance and entitlement like this:

    “Maybe if the GDIs on campus would leave the drum circle and put down the bong long enough to fill out a ballot you’d actually have a chance?”

    “we are, actually 100% better than you.”

    “Maybe it’s because we’re the go-getters on campus, the ones who have actual leadership experience, and the people that will eventually become your bosses.”

    I have no problem with the Greek system as it is, but I do have a problem with its members who assume superiority because of their involvement. I am unaffiliated with the Greek system and have been admitted to the top law schools in the country, including Harvard, Columbia, NYU, and Chicago. Don’t assume Greeks are the only movers and shakers on campus.

    13 years ago at 10:05 pm
    1. 247frat

      Hey I’m gonna be nice to you and inform you that if you have something serious to say, this is certainly NOT the site to do it on. Sorry buddy. Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet. Most people are just in it for the laughs.

      13 years ago at 10:26 pm
    2. Brobert F Kennedy

      While I have a respect for your touted intelligence and perseverance, this is in fact kind of a website about Fraternities… Not to mention this is primarily a place for satire. Of course the danger of satire is there is no clear difference between good satire and extreme viewpoints. You might be taking things a little too seriously sir.

      13 years ago at 11:13 pm
    3. Success

      Might I point out the obvious? If you see these posts on THIS site, it’s obviously a troll. Ignore them.

      13 years ago at 2:40 pm
    1. BrosephofArimathea

      Haha bro that’s actually UF’s starting wideout. Had a bunch of long ball TD’s last year. Really good athlete for us. Not really an ignorant geed.

      13 years ago at 8:09 am