You’re Just A Few Clicks Away From Hazing A Real-Life Pledge

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“I fucked up” is the title of a post on Reddit, written by a current pledge, that details his punishment for sleeping through his designated driver duties. He explains how he fucked up, and that he is a dumbass. He also shares how he is to be punished, which will be decided by the people of Reddit–and now you.

Here’s where you come in: for every upvote his post gets, that’s another swat with a paddle. One vote = one paddle swat.

Here’s the post from Reddit:

I decided to sleep in when I was supposed to DD, and made my pledge brothers take time off their busy schedules to drive actives in order to make sure no one gets hurt. I am a dumb ass pledge. Highest comment suggestion is my punishment. Every upvote I get, I get paddled. Thank You Pledgemaster sir.

The paddle swat tally is currently sitting at an ass-numbing 124. Do with this what you will.

[via Reddit]

  1. 99pledgesandtheyallbitches

    Someone suggested making the pledge watch the WNBA finals… that’s fucked.

    10 years ago at 12:12 pm
    1. Mad Fratter

      Make him keep a box score and have all of his pledge class review it to make sure the stat lines are accurate. If one fucks up, they all fuck up.

      10 years ago at 12:30 pm
    2. LexVA

      That’s too far. Beating his ass with a paddle? Standard. Hard, tedious physical labor? Acceptable, even encouraged. But watching the WNBA Finals? What the hell sort of monster are you?

      10 years ago at 1:05 pm
    1. CaptainInsaino

      For the love of God, stop calling your little brothers, “littles.” That’s some sorority bullshit.

      10 years ago at 5:25 pm
  2. Krparman

    Make him stay awake for 3 days straight. No drugs. No alcohol. Call it DD3D (Designated Driver for 3 Days).

    10 years ago at 12:47 pm
    1. FratTilYouDie

      Yeah, because we all want to get a ride from a stupid 18 year old that hasn’t slept in 72 hours.

      10 years ago at 12:56 pm