You’re Just A Few Clicks Away From Hazing A Real-Life Pledge

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“I fucked up” is the title of a post on Reddit, written by a current pledge, that details his punishment for sleeping through his designated driver duties. He explains how he fucked up, and that he is a dumbass. He also shares how he is to be punished, which will be decided by the people of Reddit–and now you.

Here’s where you come in: for every upvote his post gets, that’s another swat with a paddle. One vote = one paddle swat.

Here’s the post from Reddit:

I decided to sleep in when I was supposed to DD, and made my pledge brothers take time off their busy schedules to drive actives in order to make sure no one gets hurt. I am a dumb ass pledge. Highest comment suggestion is my punishment. Every upvote I get, I get paddled. Thank You Pledgemaster sir.

The paddle swat tally is currently sitting at an ass-numbing 124. Do with this what you will.

[via Reddit]

  1. Archduke_Frat_Ferdinand

    The little shit even forgot the “Sir” sandwich. Not that it really matters anymore, he’s fucked anyway…

    10 years ago at 1:13 pm
  2. TheFratCock

    He’s at 388 ups… I don’t think the pledge will have an ass left when this is over. If he’s lucky and does, it’ll be a few inches closer to his shoulders than before and he’ll have a permanent flat spot

    10 years ago at 8:41 pm
  3. Frat Albert

    I envision his paddling being similar to the scene when Jesus is whipped mercilessly in the Passion of the Christ

    10 years ago at 8:47 pm