YouTube Prankster Ran On Field At World Cup, Tweets About It

Running onto the field at major sporting events has been around since the dawn of time. Plus, it’s an exhilarating feeling to see if an old, overweight security guard can track you down. During Sunday’s World Cup championship match, notorious prankster Vitaly Zdorovetskiy (you may remember him picking up chicks in a Lambo without saying a word) added his name to the long list of spectators who have crashed the party on the field. He also tweeted the ordeal.

King James was among those in the crowd to witness the prank. He caught it on camera:

Zdorovetskiy could have done a better job at sending out some tweets prior to running onto the field to set the tone with a little foreplay, but our boy Vitaly is known for his lack of ability to get things up. What will he do for his next act?

[via Twitter]

  1. Cockmeatsandwich

    He should’ve strapped on a gopro. That would make an awesome YouTube video.

    10 years ago at 11:51 am
  2. Awful_Pledge_Name

    No amount of fame would be worth spending a second in a brazilian prison…

    10 years ago at 12:39 pm