greyhound racing cocaine

12 Dogs Coked Out In ‘Largest Greyhound Drug Case In American History’

greyhound racing cocaine

There’s apparently a reasonable explanation for the spike in the price of cocaine alongside the northeast Florida coast: dogs.

Now, I don’t know much about dog races except that they are essentially smaller versions of horse races and also make you kinda wish cockfighting was still legal in the states. Still, I’m guessing there’s good money in these races for the top dogs and assume that’s why trainers are apparently willing to coke out their doggos in hopes of winning a race.

From First Coast News:

A local greyhound trainer’s license has been suspended after 12 dogs in his care tested positive for cocaine.

According to records obtained by First Coast News, the dogs, all racers at Bestbet Orange Park, tested positive for Benzoylecgonine (BZE) — a metabolite of cocaine.

“This is the largest greyhound drug case in American history,” says Carey Theil, Executive Director of GREY2K USA in Arlington, Mass., a non-profit that opposes greyhound racing and monitors dog tracks around the country. “This is staggering.”

According to the state’s investigation, one dog won [sic] with cocaine in her system, Flicka, won first place in her race on March 1, and tested positive for cocaine the same day.

Disturbingness aside, look at those results. Olympic athletes are all out there running trial after trial, trying to shave half a millisecond off their previous times, when they should just be having pre-sprint snortfests; then we’d really be able to watch those athletes go. Those engines would be so damn revved that the 100M would turn into the 500M dash straight to the nearest club with bottle service and a douchey DJ. That’s must-watch TV, IOC. You want Super Bowl-level advertisers? ‘Cause that’s how you get Super Bowl-level advertisers.

You know the saying: all dogs go to heaven. In this instance, heaven is cocaine.

[via First Coast News]

Image via Shutterstock

      1. AliceStephens

        My last pay check was 9500 do-llar working 12 hours a week online. My sisters friend has been averaging 15k for months now and she works about 20 hours a week. I can’t believe how easy it was once I tried it out…Check this web-site for more w0rk details…Good Luck…

        7 years ago at 5:17 pm
  1. Willdog18

    Why don’t every dog sniff a line and then we would have a show worth watching.

    7 years ago at 4:47 pm
      1. BIowjob420

        Dear Willdog18: Based on your comments, it is easy to tell that you, like me, are a Shithead. Our heads are, literally, filled with shit. Being a fellow Shitheadedness sufferer, I sympathize with your affliction. Like me, you have no doubt suffered the slings and arrows of a society that has little sympathy for our plight. And who can blame them? Our heads reek, as the miasma of shit leaks from our cranial openings and pollutes the very air that our earthly companions seek to inhale. And in your case, as with mine, the shit pollutes our comments. Your comments, like mine, veritably ooze shit from every syllable. But keep up the good fight Willdog18. Someday, Shitheads like us may be accepted into society. Today the TFM Comments Section, tomorrow the front of the school bus. We are virgins.

        7 years ago at 10:34 am
  2. MalcolmSex

    Honest question: how do i tell this hot girl i’ve been fucking that her vagina smells like raw tuna without being a dick

    7 years ago at 11:01 pm
    1. BIowjob420

      That reminds me of a joke that my father once told me: What did the blind man say when he walked by the fish market? “Hello, ladies!” I really don’t understand this joke. I am a virgin.

      7 years ago at 11:38 pm