20 Reasons To Take A Victory Lap
We can’t all finish in four years. Shit, some of us don’t want to finish in four years. If you find yourself staring into the gaping maw of the real world and wondering what the hell you’re going to do with your life come graduation day, extending your stay may be the best option. In any case, here are some reasons you might want to take that victory lap:
1. Your BAC is higher than your GPA on any given night.
2. You have not been seen in a single one of your classes since second semester of freshman year. However, one of the pledges is now two classes away from an astrophysics degree thanks to you.
3. You just realized that “undeclared” isn’t something they’ll actually write on your diploma, and have no idea which major to choose.
4. Your current job prospects are “sketchy recent grad who mooches off the guys in the house” and “drug dealer.”
5. You have more days of the week without classes than days with classes.
6. You have to down a few drinks before having the strength to discuss academics with your parents.
7. You’re on a first-name basis with the officer that works the local lock-up on Friday nights, thanks to your laundry list of misdemeanors.
8. You’ve spent all your time with the chapter the past few years and just aren’t ready to let go.
9. You haven’t spent enough time with the chapter and need another year to cement your legacy.
10. Someone has to be that asshole that makes fun of the president and exec throughout chapter, and the JIs just aren’t ready yet.
11. You promised yourself you wouldn’t leave college with a functional liver, and that fucker is holding on for dear life.
12. You can’t bear the thought of missing fall sorority rush.
13. The “cunt punt” has only just been invented, and you need to stick around and see if the idea sticks.
14. “Work hard, party hard” turned into “party hard, wake up at 3:00pm after missing your exam” for a few semesters.
15. If there was a Nobel Prize for procrastination, you would win.
16. You can’t stop drinking all at once, because the accumulated hangover would literally kill you.
17. The job market is still pretty rough. Better sit it out another year.
18. You haven’t managed to hook up with a girl in every sorority yet.
19. You need to haze one more class of pledges before becoming a freshman of the real world.
20. Graduating in four years is like leaving a party at 10 o’clock.
Fuck obama.
11 years ago at 11:04 amI second.
11 years ago at 11:14 am“Hail Bloody Mary, full of vodka,
11 years ago at 11:12 amBlessed art Thou amongst cocktails.
Pray for me now, and in the hour of my death—
Which I hope is soon—
Might as well say something mean about Pike, butt fuck it.
11 years ago at 11:16 am*Butt chug it.
11 years ago at 12:11 pmSomething was done here^
11 years ago at 9:24 pm21. You just wrote a solid TFM column. Well done sir.
11 years ago at 11:17 am21. The real world fucking sucks.
11 years ago at 11:22 amyeah I’m taking my victory lap, and every time I call one of my old fraternity brothers at work they have this tone of voice that makes me feel like they fucking hate the world.
11 years ago at 3:04 pm“Graduating in four years is like leaving a party at 10 o’clock.” haha
11 years ago at 11:26 amGood contribution.
11 years ago at 11:37 amwe can read sir.
11 years ago at 11:47 am^^ Yeah I chuckled to myself a few times too, but there’s no need to comment.
11 years ago at 11:47 am21. You’re dreading the transition from getting laid after 20 minutes on the dance floor in college to “dating” in the real world.
11 years ago at 11:27 amI didn’t realize you weren’t allowed in bars after college.
11 years ago at 12:54 pmThis list is depressingly accurate. I should have planned for a victory lap
11 years ago at 12:59 pmNo. 16 seems oddly familiar.
11 years ago at 2:22 pmHaha yea. It was an Archer reference.
11 years ago at 2:25 pmWow. Every one of those hit home for me. I don’t know whether to be really happy or really disappointed in myself. I’ll have a few beers and think it over at the pool. Better hit the store first and get some meat and more brews and grill out after too. Then I’ll make sure and study for finals sometime after if I’m not busy. Bulletproof plan.
11 years ago at 3:01 pm