20 Reasons Why Ladies Love Chest Hair
Last week, the brilliant Nanner provided a list of the “20 Reasons Why Ladies Love The Gut.” It got us thinking–what else are men erroneously being told that women are adverse to? This led us to the great chest hair debate. While most ladies don’t want to spend the night with Chewbacca (no judgment, though, if that’s your thing) there’s something about chest hair that turns us on. In our opinion, shaving your chest hair is like slapping God in the face for a beautiful gift. But with the rise of manscaping, we seem to find fewer and fewer guys who want to keep the man fur in place. While we appreciate you keeping it maintained–a little trim never hurt anyone–here’s our argument for why you shouldn’t go fully bare.
- Much like the cleavage you like to see peeking out of our shirts, there’s something incredibly sexy about chest hair peeping out from yours.
- If you ever start to lose it from your head, perhaps they can transplant it from your chest.
- Combined with a happy trail, it can point us ladies in the right direction.
- The average cost of a chest wax is $30. Done monthly, that’s $360 a year. That’s a lot of beer money.
- Not to mention, chest waxing is painful–did we learn nothing from “The 40 Year Old Virgin”?
- Chest hair feels nice against our cheek when we put our head on your chest…
- …whereas stubble that pops up after you shave your chest does not. It’s like beard burn on crack.
- Chest hair was THE symbol of manliness in in the ’70s and ’80s. And isn’t that time of excess a time we all want to go back to?
- It’s a natural, extra layer of warmth on a cold winter’s night.
- If a sex position doesn’t allow us to reach the hair on your head, we can tug the hair on your chest to express our pleasure.
- Actual science: a man’s body has scent-releasing organs called apocrine glands. These glands emit aromatic chemicals, such as testosterone, that are unique to every person and may help attract members of the opposite sex. Body hair (including chest hair) traps and strengthens those odors, projecting them further than they would go otherwise. So your chest hair is pretty much like a bullhorn broadcasting your hotness to the ladies.
- Pecs not quite up to par? Chest hair is the ultimate camouflage.
- Julius Caesar used to have every hair plucked from his body–look how well that turned out for him.
- If you’re gonna wax anywhere, please make it your back. Thanks.
- Show us a dude who wears a carpet on his chest and we’ll show you someone who doesn’t give a shit about what people think. That kind of confidence is hot.
- Sean Connery was James Bond while rocking a full chest pelt. What dude doesn’t want to be like James Bond?
- More science: chest hair can help ward off bed bugs. Seriously.
- Once you start a total chest deforestation, the upkeep time is substantial. That’s hours you could spend drinking, playing video games, or having sex. So it’s really a question of how you want to spend your time.
- What dudes with chest hair lack in aerodynamics, they make up for in fulfilling women’s “Teen Wolf” or “Austin Powers” fantasies.
- Tom Selleck still has a career for a reason, you guys.
And now we wait for the “20 reasons why ladies love prematurely balding guys”
10 years ago at 5:58 pmI actually wouldn’t mind reading that one.
10 years ago at 7:24 pmYou guys haven’t blackballed this fucker yet?
10 years ago at 10:25 pm20 Reasons why a man who can’t get an erection is actually really hot
10 years ago at 11:07 pmTo bad they don’t actually like chest hair
10 years ago at 6:42 pmfuggin ZINGER! This guy gets it.
10 years ago at 6:51 pmSo you’re telling me there’s a chance…
10 years ago at 9:40 amRealistically, how long did you spend writing an article about chest hair? You need a better vibrator…
10 years ago at 7:04 pmNormally TFM articles are written by men which is why after I read “there’s just something about chest hair that turns us on” I instantly though this was a Dorn article.
10 years ago at 7:41 pmDorn is turned off by any degree of body hair
10 years ago at 7:51 amBeen trying tell everyone this for years
10 years ago at 8:36 pmI can’t grow chest hair, but I have a pretty impressive bush.
10 years ago at 8:55 pmNot being able to grow chest hair. TFM.
10 years ago at 10:22 pmThat’s me;)
10 years ago at 12:11 amChest Hair, FaF.
10 years ago at 8:35 am