25 Ways To Get Revenge On The Rival House
It’s one thing to steal composites or throw beer bottles into your neighbor’s courtyard, but sometimes more severe measures are required. Here are 25 revenge ideas ranging from simplistic to the most sadistic:
1. Egg the shit out of their house. Make sure you let the eggs rot for a good semester or two first.
2. TP the whole house. Classic, but unimaginative.
3. Top shelf every single one of their toilets.
4. Put ads all over the city advertising their chapter room as a homeless shelter.
5. Grease the floors.
6. Put asbestos in the walls.
7. Circle jerk on the founding fathers’ composite picture.
8. Super glue all the locks.
9. Put baking soda in the ketchup bottles and shake them up. The vinegar in the ketchup reacts and ketchup explodes everywhere when the bottle is opened the next day.
10. Load potato guns full of shit and blast all the windows.
11. Cover their bars of soap in nail polish and then let them dry. They will shit bricks trying to get the soap to lather the next day.
12. Put hair removal cream in their shampoo bottles.
13. If there’s a hallway with doors on opposite sides, tie the doorknobs together with wire.
14. Make up some legit looking paperwork from some bullshit law firm and “serve” a rape or paternity lawsuit to the president during dinner.
15. Sign the house up for Play Girl, the Democratic Party, and PETA subscriptions.
16. Put dead fish in all their hubcaps. They will tear their cars apart and never think to check in the hub caps.
17. Purchase thousands of crickets. Release them.
18. Acquire hundreds of bats. Release them.
19. Put a cinder block in the dryer. Turn it on. Run.
20. Put super glue on the toilet seats.
21. Lacquer homosexual pornography all over the walls.
22. Download a virus onto a USB drive. Upload it to every computer you can find.
23. Clean your colon with their toothbrushes.
24. Draw a huge penis in the front lawn with weed killer.
25. Unplug the refrigerator, put a hornet’s nest inside, and superglue the door shut.
Follow me on Twitter @RageTheory
12 years ago at 1:27 pmHave you done anything but sit on this site for the last week? I’m glad I’m not a Theta Chi because you are embarrassing your letters.
12 years ago at 1:39 pm^^I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
12 years ago at 1:42 pmSeriously, you do make us look bad. I will defecate on your porch when I find you.
12 years ago at 1:45 pmIt’s not even funny. This kid sounds like he was molested in grade school.
12 years ago at 10:58 am^^^
12 years ago at 12:29 pmSeems childish.
12 years ago at 1:46 pmFUCK
12 years ago at 3:42 pmYOU
12 years ago at 3:43 pmGDI
12 years ago at 3:46 pmToo bad Acacia just got kicked off of campus.
12 years ago at 2:44 pmFiji’s newest composite graces my wet bar
12 years ago at 5:28 am^^Cocaine’s a hell of a drug.
12 years ago at 9:49 pmIt was originally 50. Most of the really fucked up ones got taken out, which is probably for the best. We don’t need the Department of Homeland Security lurking around TFM headquarters.
12 years ago at 3:36 pm^ censorship. NF.
12 years ago at 6:50 pmI think putting Asbestos in the walls is kinda fucked up ha
12 years ago at 10:05 pmputting a skatepark on their lawn
12 years ago at 11:21 pmpaint there beds with lead based paint! that’ll show ’em, right guys? right? i just wanna fit in..
12 years ago at 9:49 pmhang in there, pal, they’ll come around.
12 years ago at 12:45 pm“Put asbestos in the walls” my personal favorite.
12 years ago at 4:39 pmRoad kill in the grill.
12 years ago at 4:43 pmcement in their air conditioners
12 years ago at 9:37 pmChum and small dead animals in the air vents.
12 years ago at 5:59 pmKidnap their girlfriends and abuse them physically/sexually.Then burn their bodies and feed them to your pledges. Everyone wins.
12 years ago at 7:58 pm^
12 years ago at 6:58 pmUrinate in their ice machine; it will freeze into their ice cubes.
12 years ago at 7:04 pmIt wil?!?!?!
12 years ago at 9:25 pmYOO FUCK NUMBER 3. Last year teke top shelved are entire frat castle and we had to use one of my bros aqarium fish net to scoop it out
12 years ago at 8:32 pmYou are trying far too hard, even for Troll standards.
12 years ago at 9:18 pmI’m not a troll, sorry I’m not sorry that I don’t talk like a southern hick. Bro last year I commented ON THE DAY they top shelved us. Look it up. And I know, my name looks fake. But everything else was taken
12 years ago at 8:50 amDid you attend grade school? I can’t even begin to correct your grammar.
12 years ago at 12:34 pmFRATBOIII IN DA HIZZOUSE!!!!
12 years ago at 6:55 pm^ hahaha this
12 years ago at 8:50 pm^^^^ https://totalfratmove.wpengine.com/594896
12 years ago at 8:56 pmlooks like he did comment about it last year.
Southern Hick? You should be more worried about retarded inbred.
12 years ago at 9:05 amlol see? i told u I was real. they really did top shelve us. Lol u R-Tard hilbilies couldn’t even understand how our frat castle could have 3 toilets. Sorry I’m not sorry we don’t use outhouses?
12 years ago at 10:56 am^ I bet you eat paint chips
12 years ago at 11:34 am^^ Do you wear a helmet by chance?
12 years ago at 11:47 pmHe’s a Sig Ep, let him go on his rant…he will lose interest and go color something in due time.
12 years ago at 5:54 amYou are a retard for thinking SAE means SigEp. Both houses would be ashamed of this fuckstick.
12 years ago at 3:11 pmThis is the gayest fucking article I have ever read in my god damn life.
12 years ago at 9:37 pmhttp://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=gay-male-sex-roles
not any more
12 years ago at 8:51 pm^ this fuckin guy
12 years ago at 9:58 am