30 Things You Can Say To A Feminist To Piss Her Off
1. “Can I buy you dinner?”
2. “You remind me of my secretary.”
3. “You must face so many struggles as a middle class white woman.”
4. “I figured that you were a cat person.”
5. “Did you read that article about why women shouldn’t have short hair?”
6. “Make me a sandwich.”
7. “Sooooo….anal?”
8. “There will never be a female candidate worthy of the Presidency.”
9. “Looks like somebody’s on their period!”
10. “If we’re gonna hook up tonight, I’m going to need you to sign this 13 page document confirming that you consent.”
11. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hold open that door for you.”
12. “Jezebel is the worst thing to ever happen to the Internet.”
13. “Ever thought about shaving your legs?”
14. “Are you really a feminist, or is that just your excuse for still being alone at 40?”
15. “Of the 23 female Fortune 500 CEO’s, how many do you think are lesbians?”
16. “That haircut makes you look like Rosie O’Donnell’s bush.”
17. “Who did you vote for last election? Lol, jk.”
18. “On a scale from one to a putrefied whale carcass, how bad do you think Hilary Clinton’s vagina smells?
19. “You’d look WAY better if you lost 15 pounds.”
20. “I bet you can’t do laundry for shit.”
21. “I wish they would photoshop a few more pounds off of their cover models.”
22. “Jennifer Lawrence is hot, but I wish she’d just shut the fuck up for a minute. Also eat less cheeseburgers.”
23. “Wait a minute…this isn’t a kitchen, how the hell did you get here?”
24. “I’d rip that pantsuit off you so fast if you let me…”
25. “I’m in a fraternity.”
26. “You’re just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It’s science.”
27. “Let me know when you’re driving home. I want to warn all of the small children in the area.”
28. “I don’t disrespect you because you’re a woman, I disrespect you because you’re a self-righteous moron.
29. “So did you get kicked out of sorority rush the first day or the second?”
30. “I’m all for gender equality, that’s why I love to 69 so much.”
Ive said it 1000 times and ill say it again…..I am not an advocate of sexism, I think sexism is wrong, and being wrong is for women…..zinnnnngg
11 years ago at 5:09 pm31. No, my haircut is not an endorsement of your feminism.
11 years ago at 5:11 pmOk, the next post had better be reactions from the intern asking different women this at an actual feminist rally. I’m banking on #14 being the best.
11 years ago at 5:13 pmNot bad, SFPL.
11 years ago at 5:14 pmAn SFPL list that isn’t complete shit, what a surprise.
11 years ago at 5:18 pmI’d try one of these lines but they’d probably say I raped them.
11 years ago at 5:22 pmWomen are only good for two things… Fucking and fucking nothing
11 years ago at 5:24 pmThe wisdom of Jon Lajoie
11 years ago at 6:33 pmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqXi8WmQ_WM&feature=youtu.be&t=1m38s
If 69 is gender equality call me Goldie Chu.
11 years ago at 5:25 pmDear SFPL, listen to George
11 years ago at 5:52 pmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbAoXw_DqvM
I really fucking hate feminists
11 years ago at 5:54 pm