42 Ideas For Your Sex Bucket List

Sex Bucket List

Everyone needs a sexual bucket list. No, not a pornographic parody of the mediocre 2007 Jack Nicholson film The Bucket List, I mean a list of things you want to do in your sex life before you eventually die of alcohol poisoning at 31 years old.

Need some tips to spice up your love life? Well here’s some ideas for your sexual bucket list. You should do all these things in bed before you eventually bite the bullet and kick the bucket one day. Put these items on your fucket list.

  1. Try S&M.
  2. Watch porn with your girl.
  3. Use toys in bed (not sex toys – old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures).
  4. Have a threesome.
  5. Have a foursome.
  6. Have a fivesome.
  7. Have an elevensome.
  8. Build a time machine, go back in time to ancient Greece to participate in their excessive orgies.
  9. Try a golden shower (I mean literally take a shower in a shower that’s golden – don’t pee on your girl, you sick fuck).
  10. If you DO pee on your girl, make sure you also record covers of the “Ignition” remix and “I Believe I Can Fly.”
  11. Make a sex tape with Kim Kardashian.
  12. Make a sex tape with Ray J.
  13. Make a sex tape with Kim Kardashian AND Ray J, then rob them at gunpoint afterwards and use all that money to buy a PS4.
  14. Skip the robbing part and just buy a PS4.
  15. Try anal sex.
  16. After you try anal sex, don’t sit down for a few hours because you’re gonna be sore.
  17. Get mad that I just suggested you get fucked in the ass.
  18. Have sex at the movies (unless it’s a Liam Neeson movie, then put your dick back in your pants and pay attention, god dammit!).
  19. Have sex with a cougar.
  20. Also have sex with an attractive older woman.
  21. Have sex while on ecstasy (if you have any leftover ecstasy afterwards, sell it to naive high school kids for an inflated price and use that money to buy ANOTHER PS4, or tickets to a Liam Neeson movie, or food for your pet cougar).
  22. Try 69ing.
  23. Try 68ing and 70ing, too.
  24. Use ice cubes.
  25. Use Ice Cube.
  26. Use blindfolds in bed. Take your blindfold off halfway through, start eating ice cream during sex while your girl is still wearing her blindfold. See if she ever notices. If she does, dump that bitch.
  27. Sex on the beach.
  28. Wash all that sand out of your ass crack after the sex on the beach.
  29. Read erotica (NOTE: must know how to read).
  30. Sex in a car.
  31. Sex WITH a car.
  32. Purposely get an STD and try to give it to Sarah Palin.
  33. Play strip poker (if you don’t know how to play poker, just get naked immediately).
  34. Use whipped cream (on ice cream, not on anyone’s body, you fucking pervert).
  35. Lose your virginity twice.
  36. Have sex in a public restroom/ die.
  37. Save yourself for marriage.
  38. Have one night stand.
  39. Have anonymous sex with a strange girl you met that night, then after the sex, set the alarm on your one night stand.
  40. Live in Iowa.
  41. Masturbate to a picture of Betty White while on a rollercoaster.
  42. Write a stupid article for TFM.

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    1. Brother Gumby

      No way. No matter how much she cleans, I’d still have to know that he came out of her body…it’s permanently tainted.

      9 years ago at 2:55 pm
  1. Fratstarbator

    this is one of those articles that shouldnt have been satire… that being said, i really want to see a donkey show and poop on some poor broad

    9 years ago at 10:13 am
    1. SharkWeekTFM

      Give it a couple weeks and make a slightly more serious version. It shouldn’t be that hard. This coming from one the the most prolific writers on the site might make you think, “Aww shucks I can’t do it.” But you can.

      9 years ago at 6:43 pm
  2. UncleJimmy

    43. Tie Wally Bryton up to a lamppost in a back ally. Shit in his mouth so he can’t scream. Then, using the same coat hanger his mother used for the failed abortion, skin his skinny high school man boobs. Use the skin to wrap a beef Wellington, cook the meat to a nice medium rare temperature, and feed it to the homeless guy whose been watching the whole thing because I’m fucking compassionate, not some kind of monster that’s gonna let a homeless guy go hungry.

    9 years ago at 10:20 am
  3. SteveHoltOnDrugs

    I got down to #15, realized I hadn’t even smiled, then skipped to the comments to tell you that you suck. You suck.

    9 years ago at 10:28 am
  4. ShockTop

    Part of me wants to believe that Wally is actually a normal dude, but has realized that he can get paid to write absolute shit, so he tests his limits more with each passing article. A literal retarded person can write something better than this.

    9 years ago at 11:18 am
    1. DPQLS

      Update: Actually contracted AIDS from having copious amounts of unprotected sex with various unsavory women.

      9 years ago at 11:38 am
  5. LeonardoDiFrattio

    This is literally the easiest possible article to not fuck up. I’d tell you to kill yourself, but you’d probably find some way to fuck that up too.

    9 years ago at 11:27 am