8 Greatest Rejected Tank Top Ideas
Running a patriotic tank top empire isn’t as easy as you guys might think. These sleeveless wonders don’t magically create themselves, and a lot of thought and precision goes into each and every product RowdyGentleman.com creates. But it isn’t always smooth sailing. For every “Back to Back World War Champs” tank, there are plenty of dud ideas that never make it past the drawing board. Step right up, because you’re about to get an exclusive look at some of the obnoxious tank tops that could have been. Personally, I think a few of these are awesome, with others serving no purpose other than fireplace kindling. I’ll let you guys be the judge.
This isn’t even a column
11 years ago at 12:29 am11 years ago at 7:15 pm
^THAT is fucking hilarious. Enjoy it up here while it lasts.
11 years ago at 7:16 pmCould have just deleted my reply, Tech Guy. Now it looks like I missed the reply button. Thanks, dick.
11 years ago at 8:08 am^^ FUCK YEA Fucking hillarious
11 years ago at 1:30 amIf Jesus was holding a paddle that tank could have made a run.
11 years ago at 7:24 pmNormally, I don’t start fights. But I would knock the shit out of someone wearing that Back to Back losers tank.
11 years ago at 4:42 pm