Occidental College Students Destroy 9/11 Memorial Because It Represented “Exclusionary, Nationalistic Narrative”


On September 10th, the Occidental College Republicans Club elected to honor the victims of the 9/11 attacks by planting 2,997 painted American flags — one for each victim — on the quad lawn at the small California college. A day later, they discovered vandals had laid waste to their tribute.

From CNN:

‘Vandals crushed, snapped and threw in the garbage every single flag,’ the college GOP club said on Facebook. ‘Not one was left in the ground.’

‘This is beyond politics, this is about those lives that were so tragically taken,’ the college’s Republican club posted.

Drunken vandalism happens on college campuses, but what would compel students to spite 3,000 deaths by making such a destructive statement on a very sensitive topic? Here’s exhibit A, a post from the Coalition Oxy for Diversity and Equality (CODE):

The tl;dr of this post is as follows:

– It was “unclear” that each flag represented a life lost
– Even though The Conservatives of Oxy intended this to be apolitical, it was inherently political because they’re republicans
– By not making the issue racial, the tribute didn’t sufficiently emphasize marginalized lives lost
– It didn’t make any mention of “Islamaphobia”
– The flags were removed to open a dialogue about “whose narrative gets to be told” or some bullshit like that

Nothing is sacred to these professional victims. They imply that marginalized groups’ death and suffering deserves greater attention and memorials should transcend just grief and remembrance and push a politically divisive message.

Hold on; It gets worse.

Here was a post from the group on the day of the incident:

Once again, I’ll give you the SparkNotes:

– The American flag is “triggering” because it’s a symbol of “genocide, rape, slavery and colonialism”
– Once again, the flag doesn’t emphasize the diversity of lives lost on 9/11 (because, again, it’s a memorial, not a political statement)
– Putting American flags in the middle of campus means the school doesn’t care about students’ “fear and trauma”

Compare the two posts. There’s some discrepancy, as to be expected.

While CODE insists it had nothing to do with the vandalism (I bet), they said the Republicans had it coming because their flag-planting memorial was inherently political because they’re Republicans. But then, they say the message wasn’t political enough because it doesn’t put marginalized suffering above the lives lost to senseless acts of terror. Ergo, they deserved to have their tribute destroyed.

Credit to the Oxy Republicans for taking the high road with these clowns. Rather than making political statements by destroying someone else’s memorial, they opted to quietly fix and replant their flags, which is the biggest “fuck you” they could offer.

“If you try to destroy it, we will rebuild it,” the college’s GOP group said.

[via CNN]

Image via Facebook/Occidental College Republican Club

  1. Dan Kweed

    Probably the same people who claim Republicans are the “deplorable” ones during this election.

    8 years ago at 4:23 pm
    1. FrockTurner

      You know whats not exclusive? Who the Brockman dicks down. Cuz there’s so many of them that I dick down. BOOOYAKA

      8 years ago at 4:35 pm
      1. thevaginator

        Honestly most of his comments were funnier than a lot of the garbage the “writers” on this site post.

        8 years ago at 7:12 pm
  2. TheeRockySulli

    Dumb mother fuckers like this (there’s just no other suitable term for such scum) make me fear for the next generation. Those pieces of shit are going to breed and teach their children to think and act in the same abominable way they do.

    8 years ago at 4:28 pm
    1. ChiODarling

      but tbf, you guys should be held at least partially accountable for it all. I can’t even recall the number of times “republicans” bend over backwards to meet demands, attempt to rationalize with them and tip-toe around them, for fear of not causing offence(notice every “republican” start any argument with “im not sexist/racist/homophobic/whatever…but” on literally every public platform ever?i mean,the sheer horror should they think otherwise right?Because it matters right?)…They know you fear them and there is nothing quite like the power trip a social outcast/underachiever/life-long-nerd(which is essentially what an sjw is) gets from undermining the “top-dog”. Next time you apologize and try keeping civil with a liberal because ” you want to show that not all republicans are the same”, you best be contemplating on how to meet their next demands.

      8 years ago at 5:12 pm
      1. Booze_Hound

        ChiODarling, I will proudly say fuck off to each person who down voted you. What you wrote was 1000000% accurate. Most republicans are pussies, and let SJW’s walk all over them. I’ve up voted you before, and I’ll do it again. People, get your shit together. We have a country to save.

        8 years ago at 11:24 pm
      2. JimmyBuffet

        Hound, she’s not gonna blow you because you stuck up for her in the TFM comment section. Get over yourself.

        8 years ago at 7:13 am
    2. ScottyA

      Probably not if they start getting a patriotic ass whooping from a good red blooded American. Then they would see that it is NOT ok to do such things.

      8 years ago at 5:40 pm
  3. Colonel Reb forever

    Liberalism is cancer. Just add this one to the ever expanding list.

    8 years ago at 4:33 pm
    1. SharkWeekTFM

      There are assholes and self-righteous people on both sides of the aisle. Everyone suffers when we generalize and/or demonize the “other” and that goes for politics too. That’s pretty much the fundamental problem with racism, sexism, ageism, all that stuff.

      Conservatism isn’t racist and fear mongering but the majority of racists and fear mongers are conservatives. And liberal ideology isn’t about being an asshole, overly racial, or self righteous (anymore than any political ideology) but the people who pull stupid shit like the above are more often than not left leaning.

      Both parties have worthless people in them that they need to refuse to associate with. If you’re conservative, don’t silently tolerate the racists just for another vote. If you’re liberal, don’t be afraid to stand up against idiotic stuff like what these guys did.

      8 years ago at 5:56 pm
      1. ChiODarling

        liberal ideology(read left-wing ideology)is about undermining hierarchy at each and every turn(as the premise is that inequality in all aspects is inherently evil). The point of left-wing ideology is to advance the cause of the underdog whatever the situation(whether said underdog is in the right or not,is neither here nor there). That’s the reason “whites can’t be racist”,”women can’t be sexist” ,”criticizing muslims is islamaphobia,but christians?meh” …you name it…Without getting into focaultian theory(which is essentially the bible book of social justice…think karl marx social politics on steoroids) the premise is this – if someone is “socially disadvantaged” then they cannot be in the wrong(i.e. “only minorities may experiences racism because they haven’t the power structures to endorse it against others”)

        tl;DR-with all due respect, you have no idea what you’re on about. None.I bet if someone asked you to define “fear-mongering” in quantifiable terms outside the parameters of liberal dogma you’d stumble.

        8 years ago at 6:27 pm
      2. BobMotherFuckingBarker

        Both sides use this tactic, on the left it’s the black lives matter, cops are pigs crowd, but other than some moronic protesters, you never really see any policy change because of it, on the right it’s far more blatant, if you’ve ever watched an episode of o’Reilly, you know what I’m talking about. It’s why Trump, potentially the next president, can call Mexicans rapists and say we should ban Muslims, and is able to succeed. I know bashing the right on this site is suicide, but Its just my opinion.

        8 years ago at 6:55 pm
      3. ChiODarling

        there’s no tactic. The entire point of left-wing ideology is that it works under the premise that the “strong/privileged/well-off/whatever” are inherently evil. What i’m saying is that when people try to pin-point leftist ideology as “enlightening,progressive” or whatever really-they’re off full stop. left-wing ideology exists solely to undermine hierarchy wherever it finds it until equality is obsolete- it works automatically under the premise that those who have power are evil and therefore to be opposed .Hence why social justice warriors keep moving the goal-posts,to the point where “micro-agressions” are now actually a thing….It’s a literally a parasitic offset of right-wing ideology

        8 years ago at 7:36 pm
      4. Booze_Hound

        ChiO, I’m not even trying to kiss ass, well maybe. Depends. But Holy shit. I can’t believe what I’m reading. It’s incredible. It’s thought provoking. It’s accurate. Ben Shapiro and chill?

        8 years ago at 11:29 pm
      5. txstatePKE

        @Bob barker Trump doesn’t say Mexicans in general are rapist and killers he says rapist and killers come across the border from Mexico everyday and that’s the truth.

        8 years ago at 2:57 pm
      6. SharkWeekTFM

        For the most part it sounds like you’re just talking about SJW. Democratic policy on a political level was not even addressed other than “undermining hierarchy” which is ridiculous when you think about who would be the ones writing policy. SJW aren’t the ones coming up with bills.

        Democrats will tolerate SJW just like Republicans tolerate the racists. No on WANTS them around but they’re willing to vote for you if you don’t make them uncomfortable.

        You seem well read so maybe fear mongering means something different in certain political theory but I’m saying when someone says “I know you’re scared of xyz and you SHOULD BE!!! If I’m elected I will protect you and deal with the problem, believe me,” they are inflating people’s fears so as to leverage them for gain.

        When you say things like “each and every turn” or “whatever the situation” it makes you sound less nuanced or informed than you seem to actually be.
        Like how anyone who says “libtard” is shooting themselves in the foot if they want anyone to listen to them.

        8 years ago at 9:45 am
      7. BobMotherFuckingBarker

        Well said, I pretty much stay in the center of the spectrum, because I truly believe both sides have good things to say, it’s really just a shame that it’s the morons (Trump and Hillary) who are at the top of their parties.

        8 years ago at 6:47 pm
      8. Daddys Home

        Trump and Hillary are clever, shrewd, successful people. They say what the fools want to hear.

        8 years ago at 9:30 pm
  4. fratslyfrattington

    Hiding behind an anonymous Facebook account “In hopes of creating transparency.” Dipshits.

    8 years ago at 4:39 pm
  5. Sigma Alpha Egg sandwich

    “We are accepting of all cultures, but now it’s time throw out Old Glory” – even Steve holt would pick up on the irony, not sure about Wally though

    8 years ago at 4:40 pm
  6. Bluto_Brotarsky

    It didn’t represent exclusion. It represented people who were killed by jihadists just because they decided to go to work that morning.

    8 years ago at 4:56 pm
  7. GeorgeH31

    Can we just love these people somewhere else like oh I don’t know the Middle East.

    8 years ago at 4:59 pm
  8. BobMotherFuckingBarker

    Had an uncle die from cancer that he developed at ground zero, have a family friend that had to quit being in the fdny due to respritory problems developed at ground zero, my friends dad died in the towers. Nothing nationalistic about this, just remembering good people that got killed for no reason. I hope the fuckers that did this burn in hell, absolute scum of the earth.

    8 years ago at 5:11 pm