If You Got A Handy In The Stands At The Bills Game Yesterday, Your New Lover Is Looking For You

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Hey, Bills fans, if you got your tally whacked yesterday at Ralph Wilson Stadium, your new lover is looking for you — and she wants to go another round.

A Craigslist post from Western New York has the details. Basically, while her boyfriend was in the bathroom, some assumably heinous Buffalo chick jerked off the face-painted guy next to her until he creamed his pants. It’s basically Buffalo’s version of Romeo and Juliet.


OK, let’s breakdown and rank all the weird shit that happened at the Bills game yesterday:

4. This guy slamming his face into a parked bus after a tough round of dizzy bat.
3. A Saturday night Tailgate suicide in the parking lot of Ralph Wilson Stadium.
2. An in-stadium stranger handjob with a random face-painted dude.
1. The Bills winning a home-opener against a decent Indianapolis Colts team.

All of this stuff is completely out of the ordinary for almost any other NFL franchise (Looking at you, Jets fans).

Sure, there is a chance this is fake, but I want it to be real so bad. In the last 24 hours, I have learned more about the city of Buffalo, NY than I ever wanted to know. It is a weird, fucked up place where it snows all the time and people jerk each other off during a Bills game. I mean, it’s clearly not heaven — but it’s close.

What a time to be alive in Buffalo.

Originally posted on PostGradProblems.com

Image via YouTube

      1. TacticalButterKnife

        Steve Holt’s mom gives Dorn’s a run for her money in terms of whoring around.

        9 years ago at 6:13 pm
      2. Jameson Von Budweiser

        Dorn probably hasn’t fired him yet since Holt takes all the heat off himself

        9 years ago at 10:13 pm
      3. DornFromMajorLeague

        The good doctor uses his stacks of Benjamins and huge dong to get ladies, you cretin.

        9 years ago at 10:17 am
  1. DornsLoveChild

    Great, some bitch trying to find love with a mediocre tale of events, and now a craigslist post doing the same thing.

    9 years ago at 5:58 pm
  2. Sigma Alpha Egg sandwich

    This is definitely a craigslist troll, go fuck your self Steve

    9 years ago at 6:03 pm
  3. Henry_Eighth

    All this penis fascination clearly indicates that you are a woman. A butt-ugly woman.

    9 years ago at 6:04 pm
  4. Shut up Meg

    A forbidden love inspired old fashioned while watching your team cock slap andrew luck around? Power move

    9 years ago at 6:10 pm
  5. Frat Me Maybe

    This is probably an autobiography. Steve Holt seems like the guy who would get a HJ and cream himself. #firesteveholt

    9 years ago at 6:55 pm
  6. Frank Lyman from Amherst

    Steve, do you remember your first handy at a football game? Did the guy cream in his pants too?

    9 years ago at 7:17 pm