drinking airplanes

According To Study, 1 In 5 Americans Like To Get Trashed On Vacation Flights

drinking airplanes

From CBS Los Angeles:

A new study from travel price comparison Jetcost has found that the majority of Americans travelling by plane on vacation begin drinking alcohol at the airport (28 percent) and during their flight (25 percent), getting through on average eight drinks before arriving at their holiday destination.

According to the poll, 21 percent of respondents said they were drunk during their flight — 12 percent said they had vomited from being drunk, 16 percent said they had fallen asleep due to being drunk and six percent confessed that they’d been asked to control themselves by cabin crew due to being drunk, loud and distracting to fellow passengers.

Shouts to scientists for putting the time and energy into studying this. I could never tell from the way the guy from 34B was shouting at the flight attendant for more whiskey, nor from how 25C was stumbling to the bathroom with the gent from 3B, that they were all intoxicated.

All this study shows is that people will do anything to combat the atrocity that is having to travel. This is why our country is great: we don’t sit and wallow in the fact that it takes three hours to get through security or that we need to stow our large electronics during taxi, takeoff, and landing. Instead, we sip margs.

When it comes to nuisances on your flight, alcohol can really can cure anything. Fat slug encroaching on your arm rest? Take a shot. Baby crying? Shot. Asshole behind you kicking your chair? Shot. Whether it be putting you into a deep sleep or giving you the courage to tell that baby to shut the hell up, alcohol is your friend.

Alcohol is not a flight attendant’s friend, however. As soon as those poor souls catch a glimpse of a Hawaiian shirt coming through those cabin doors, they know what’s about to go down. Only six percent of people admitted to being asked to control themselves, but let’s not forget that only includes the ones who remember it and the brave few willing to admit their transgression. Let’s just go ahead and round that up to 20 percent.

Statistically speaking, there’s a good chance you’re probably going to be a drunk asshole on your plane. Don’t blame yourself, though; blame the culture. We work average jobs all year to be able to afford spending a few days kicking it in a tropical paradise, so don’t feel bad when you want to take full advantage of your time off. Just kick back, start ordering mini bottles of Jack, and enjoy it. This is what we do.

[via CBS Los Angeles]

Image via Shutterstock

    1. jizzrag69

      If you’re talking about the commenters on this website, then that’s a huge underestimate.

      7 years ago at 4:41 pm
      1. jizzrag69

        Applying a fraction to a single person doesn’t make sense you idiot unless we’re talking about you who is 4/5 of a man because you’re missing your brain, penis, and balls

        7 years ago at 5:35 am
    1. CanadianB4C0N

      Drink enough to forget that Spacey was Söze then watch Usual Suspects. Works every time.

      7 years ago at 9:25 pm
  1. jizzrag69

    And speaking of getting trashed, this website went into the dumpster a long time ago.

    7 years ago at 4:42 pm
    1. SigmaNugs311

      That’s funny, cause it looks like you read and commented on every article Virginator.

      7 years ago at 2:43 am
    1. jizzrag69

      If I was an ATO at Southern Illinois I’d drink myself into a stupor every morning too

      7 years ago at 5:10 pm