Northern girl told me that I perpetuate every stereotype she thought of the South. TFM.

    1. SouthernPride

      You do realize that your name is NF, and you’re probably just a northern geed who wishes he was Southern by God’s grace.

      14 years ago at 4:14 pm
  1. reagansucks

    Southern stereotypes are something to be proud of?
    I.e. dirt poor, redneck, uneducated, clasless, bigoted, clueless?

    14 years ago at 4:10 pm
    1. Frattiesburg

      Classy, good-looking, polite, well-mannered, athletic, old money, and of course….Frat as Fuck.

      So, everything you’re not.

      14 years ago at 4:13 pm
    2. west is best

      I think those are the south’s stereotypes of itself not the rest of the country

      14 years ago at 4:29 pm
    3. KSU 1485

      What the fuck get off this site! Your name is reagansucks? Disrespecting one of our great nations best presidents NF!

      14 years ago at 4:37 pm
    4. David Fratssellhoff

      you probably voted for Obama you sorry piece of shit. go fuck yourself and your tree hugging gdi slampiece.

      14 years ago at 4:45 pm
    5. Frattiesburg

      West…we don’t give a fuck about the rest of the country. You’re all geeds.

      14 years ago at 5:17 pm
    6. frat1501990

      Feelings mutual frattiesburg people come to California not other way around don’t feel slighted that your slampieces will make there way to LA to suck dick for a living. Game, Set, Match

      14 years ago at 6:01 pm
    7. slore slayer

      Frattiesurgh, I have to agree with you’re comment. The south doesnt really give a fuck what the rest of the country thinks. Yall are a bunch of unacknowledgable geeds. fuck yankees and guidos and fuckin western hipsters. Long live the south.

      14 years ago at 6:04 pm
  2. White_horse

    The stereotype regarding the south is that it is full of ignorant, dimwitted individuals that boarder on being inbred. So regardless of what YOU think the stereotypes regarding the south are the ones held by the general populations as well as that girl is probably closer in line to the above.

    14 years ago at 4:24 pm
    1. Frat E. Lee

      Unfortunately for you, you’re in no position to be commenting on anyone’s intelligence. You misspelled a word, you can’t use a comma to save your life, and you have terrible subject-verb agreement.

      14 years ago at 5:16 pm
    2. Frattire

      Haha. @ Frat E. Lee. These northerners don’t have a clue about class and old money. Sorry for fratting down here, you wouldn’t have gotten a bid in the south.

      14 years ago at 9:11 pm
  3. DoubleBlackDiamond

    reagansucks has not had the pleasure nor the privilege of life in the South. He is showing his own ignorance with each of his comments

    14 years ago at 4:24 pm
  4. IFWT

    HAHA being insulted by a northerner is not Frat as Fuck.
    The dictionary meaning of perpetual is as follows: “continuing or enduring forever; everlasting.” This means that to perpetuate something is to keep it going, promote it, embrace it, etc. The common steroetype of a southerner in the eyes of a northerner is that the south is full of illiterate, poor, racist rednecks. Therefore, the northern girl saw you and thought that you reinforce the negative southern stereotype of “poor rednecks.” I agree with ‘Frattiesburg’ in the sense that the real south is classy, good-looking, polite, athletic, old money, FaF, etc. However, unless the girl told you exactly what ‘Frattiesburg said,’ then she basically insulted you. Sorry, Holy BROman Empire.

    14 years ago at 4:36 pm
  5. reagansucks

    @Frattiesburg, never said most southerners fit the stereotype. Simply pointed out what the stereotype is.

    And the name is for those people here who for whatever reason have an unhealthy obsession with Ronald Regan. He is not a god, stop worshiping him. It’s annoying.

    14 years ago at 4:44 pm
  6. SouthernByGodsGrace

    The only southern stereotype I know of is that the gentlemen in the south are known for always saying sir and ma’am, always opening doors for ladies, praying before they eat, dressing FaF, respecting elders, loving their country, treating women with respect, being very close with their families, believe in tradition, practice ettiquite, know how to survive in the outdoors and the seas, go to church on Sundays, and are warm and hospitable to visitors (hence the term “southern hospitality).

    Every state in the USA has poor, uneducated, backwards people of all backgrounds, and that is the truth.

    But if I travel to the north or Midwest the women love my accent, style, and personality and always ask if all guys in the south are like this. I reply “yes.” When northern girls come down to the south they always love us southern gentlemen saying “we wish guys in the north were like y’all, but they wear extremely tight bedazzled shirts, torn up jeans, wax their arms and eye-brows, and use more hair product then girls.”

    I’m not trying to stir up a debate, just stating the obvious and enlightening the ignorant haters who only come on this site to hate anonymously. Just face it, southern men are known for being providers and protectors, it’s how we’re raised.

    14 years ago at 4:57 pm
    1. winning civil wars

      hahahahahha. poor uneducated fat lazy southerners. the north= money and class. the south is a fucking joke and they obviously suck at trying to secede and will never even come laughably close to rising again.

      14 years ago at 5:26 pm
    2. fratres fideles

      I would hope anyone contradicting this post, or disrespecting one of America’s greatest Presidents, would go suck on the end of a shotgun while pulling the trigger.

      14 years ago at 5:36 pm
    3. mtfrats

      I’m a Northerner and respect Southern Gentlemen as much as I respect Northern Gentlemen and yes they exist. And to winning civil wars you are an idiot giving the rest of us a bad rep so fuck off. In case you weren’t told winning or losing a Civil War is a negative, because you still had a Civil War in the first place. God Bless the USA, and let us fuck up anyone who stands in our way!

      14 years ago at 5:59 pm
    4. SouthernByGodsGrace

      WinningCivilWars… your ignorance knows no bounds. Starting with your username, a Civil War is when two or more groups fight for control of a geopolitical area so that they can control that area (i.e. the Communist VS Nationalists in China 1945-49). The confederate states were fighting for secession (to break away from the Union).

      Yes the north won, but concessions were made to the south. This is why local and state governments have the power they have instead of the United States being run by solely a central government (those don’t work too well). Yes the North won, we get it. COOL! Maybe it was all for the best, after all if the CSA would have won it would have left a fractured country that European powers at the time could have exploited and possibly annexed. No southerner I know cares about winning or losing the civil war as much as you seem to though.

      My question to you though is you are trying to tell me that not one person in the North is “poor, uneducated, lazy, racist, ignorant, has poor dental work, or inbred” as you state we are in the south?

      There are poor, uneducated, lazy, ignorant people with bad teeth everywhere. Racist though? There is also racism everywhere in the world. Fun fact, New York City had more black and other minority lynching than the whole south combined. The most racist people I have met in my life have been from Boston, NYC, hispanics from Miami (who all hate each other), and blacks (who still blame everything on “the man.” And inbred? C’mon, is that all you have? The only truly inbred people in the last for centuries have been European Royal families who kept it in the family for the sake of their thrones.

      Judging by your lack of educated statements I am left to hypothesize that your education comes from a community college somewhere in Michigan, Ohio, or New Jersey. And your clearly racist remarks about southerners only leads me to believe that you were in love with a woman who left you for a southern gentleman.

      But if I am completely wrong and everyone in the north is rich, educated, hard-working, and intellectual with great teeth I deeply apologize. But lose the bias, no one in the South hates the North… we’re just better than y’all.

      14 years ago at 7:15 pm
    5. SouthernByGodsGrace

      And yes I know I have a few misspellings, it’s what happens when you’re drinking a nice glass of whiskey at a “fuck Valentines Day party” with brothers and very beautiful southern belles with the most sexy southern accents that will make any man go from 6pm to midnight.

      Get some ass and stop hating on the South.

      14 years ago at 7:20 pm
    6. MrRobertLee

      This needs to be posted as a column or something. Very well written and I agree with everything you said

      14 years ago at 8:58 pm
    7. hdc9505

      geeds are fat and lazy. But men in fraternities in the South probably have more class than anyone in the north. And ladies in the South are totes perf, girls in the north are known for the jersey turnpike haha. Eww. SUCKS!

      14 years ago at 9:23 pm
    8. Keep it Fratty

      SouthernByGodsGrace is now one of my favorite posters on this site. Way to represent the South, you are a true gentleman unlike winningcivilwars.

      14 years ago at 9:50 pm
    9. Lindsey

      You claim that WinningCivilWars made “racist remarks about southerners.” I must not have gotten the update that “southern” is a race entirely separate from white, as well as black, Asian, Hispanic, and every other race for that matter.

      14 years ago at 9:57 pm
    10. MasonDixon

      If i was “winning civil wars” thank god I am not, I wouldnt respond, that poor yankee just got ass raped.

      14 years ago at 10:07 pm
    11. MrRobertLee

      Hdc9595. Are you a fucking homo? Who says totes perf??? get the fuck off this site you cock sucking fuck

      14 years ago at 10:38 pm
    12. Brohemian_Fratsody

      @ SouthernByGodsGrace I respect you being FaF, and I agree every group has negative stereotypes. I am from the midwest but do not dress in bedazzled shirts, torn up jeans, and I will never wax a day in my life. I hate how most southerners seem to assume everyone from my area of the country is the complete opposite of what they are when there are some of us from the midwest who share a very similar lifestyle as they do. Just let it be known that I frat just as hard as anyone, and I do it in the midwest. And towards “winning the civil war” fucks like him make everyone who isn’t southern look like ignorant, assholes. But Frat on SouthernByGodsGrace

      14 years ago at 10:00 am
  7. Frattieus Maximus

    If you “perpetuate ever stereotype of the south” that means your a true American frattin on every day.

    14 years ago at 5:09 pm
    1. winning civil wars

      Southern stereotypes: poor, uneducated, lazy, racist, ignorant, poor dental work, inbred. Have a great time with those buddy

      14 years ago at 5:26 pm
    2. Nu_d Since 69

      That’s fine “winning civil wars” because I know that I am not any of those that you just spoke of and pretty sure most fraternity gentleman in the south aren’t any of those either. I love the south and wouldn’t change it for anything.

      14 years ago at 5:29 pm
    3. winning civil wars

      The point was someone talking about perpetuating these stereotypes, not you being proud of being one of the few non yokels in the shitsouth

      14 years ago at 5:35 pm
    4. FrattingHard247

      “winningcivilwars” why are you still commenting on this site? You were already completely belittled by “SouthernbyGodsGrace” so just learn your place. Honestly you say the same thing every time and I think everyone views you as an ignorant and uneducated geed. Fuck off. Oh and for the record…the South is the classiest place in America.

      14 years ago at 1:03 am
  8. SuLLyBeaR

    For everybody who wants to say that we Southerns are redneck, trailer trash, ass backwards, hicks. Go ahead. I drink shitty whiskey to get fucked up on a Friday night. I’m fine with drinking Natty Light all night long. I smoke, dip, chew, drive a beat up truck, and I love to hunt and fish. So there ya’ll go. Keep on talking about how NF people from down here are because there is one thing every Southerner does agree on, we are TFTC what ya’ll think.

    14 years ago at 6:24 pm
  9. Grody


    14 years ago at 7:39 pm
    1. T Bro Pickens

      Motion to cease all posts relating to the location of fratter in question (with exceptions to Jersey and California)

      14 years ago at 10:33 pm