Brotherhood starts when the check clears. TFM.

    1. Sir Haze A Lot

      No, hes propagating that you need to pay your dues in order for the fraternity to properly function. You can’t have a fraternity full of bums who cant pay dues you dipshit.

      14 years ago at 9:42 pm
  1. work hard frat harder

    We only write checks because we have brotherhood. We don’t have brotherhood becasue we write checks. this post is NF

    14 years ago at 9:29 pm
  2. Dr. FRAT

    so that means u really think u have to buy your friends wow u must in a low low tier fraternity

    14 years ago at 9:55 pm
  3. Fratapalooza

    Brotherhood starts when douchbags like you don’t think they’re better than everybody else.. Yea people need to pay their dues to keep the brotherhood up and running, but your a cock jockey for even posting this

    14 years ago at 11:30 pm
    1. Fratapalooza's broke

      You must be poor, ugly and still owe dues money from the fall. You probably don’t like your treasurer for trying to do his job if you are greek. Get a job and work ethic.

      14 years ago at 7:03 pm
    2. Fratapalooza

      hahahahaha , it’s most defiantly because I’m ugly. Fucking Turd, you don’t know me and if you did you would realize my dues are paid for 2012 already, and that I’m not poor by any means, and would also realize if you weren’t a complete tool that I don’t need to brag about how much more money I have than everyone else to feel like my life has meaning. Join the Army bro, maybe you could learn to that not everyone has a dad who owns a country club, and has everything given to them… Then, and only then , come back and tell me about my work ethic, and why your better than me. Sincerely, the person who just made you look like a retard on TFM

      14 years ago at 4:26 am
  4. sweden

    Brotherhood is the foundation of Greek life. Even if someone can’t pay their still your brother. Superficial brotherhood NF

    14 years ago at 11:32 pm
  5. Scott Richard

    Being able to read this and understand why it is a TFM. TFM.

    Rationally jumping to the conclusion that he is propagating the “pay for friends” crap. NF

    Now go pay your fucking dues.

    Frat on.

    14 years ago at 12:42 am
  6. Brah

    Fiscal delinquency is a problem. That’s why “Pay your fucking dues. TFM.” is a TFM.

    14 years ago at 1:52 am
  7. Live Free and Frat Hard

    As an alumnus of a chapter where finances were a moderate problem, this is so damn true.

    This “pay for friends” crap just proves how much GDIs DON’T know about fraternities.

    14 years ago at 4:39 am
  8. future true gentlemen

    this post is so NF, you fucking geed. yeah guys need to pay their dues, but a check in your hand shouldn’t constituite brotherhood

    14 years ago at 4:47 pm