Trading in my paddle that hazes pledges for my M16 that will be hazing in the middle east for the next 6 months. TFM.

  1. Fraterbury

    You might run into one of my Brothers there soon, or me if you’re around long enough.

    Good luck and Stay Safe.

    14 years ago at 4:55 pm
    1. doucherMP

      I’m literally typing this from an active combat zone in Afghanistan and I’m army, and everyone that actually does shit is issued an M4…at minimum.

      11 years ago at 3:47 am

    Amen brother … We here at Auburn have great respect for fellow Greeks going to serve our country , If your ever at the SAE house in Auburn come by for beer, we would be happy to have you.

    14 years ago at 5:13 pm