1. Teddy__Brosevelt

      From what I can see, he kind of looks like McLovin, but a little geed-ier…

      13 years ago at 7:01 pm
  1. Dr GoFuckYourself

    Contrary to popular belief on this website GDI’s drink alcohol, occasionally. This is one of those times.

    13 years ago at 12:00 pm
    1. Miz_Secpledge

      What is worse is that they then post pictures to this website because they really wish they were in a fraternity and they think it makes them “frat” to drink and set up a huge beer pong game. Notice the lack of females in the room?

      13 years ago at 3:52 pm
    2. Dr GoFuckYourself

      Exactly, these guys are clearly not in a fraternity, they pull zero slams. Sure it’s cool to play drinking games, with girls.

      13 years ago at 4:39 pm
    3. Danny Devitbro

      No no. You guys are wrong. They clearly get a lot of slams, and you can tell from his user name.

      13 years ago at 2:27 am
    4. Tick Dickler

      Fuck playing drinking games with women. Unless there is a wager on the game and that wager involves tits.

      13 years ago at 7:45 pm
  2. fratboiiiSAE

    It is only noon and im already stoned lol. #TeamBacon. I need frat advice tho. Is it frat to have a slampiece that’s in a business frat? Pussy is pussy right?

    13 years ago at 12:11 pm
  3. TheFertileTurtle

    Day drinking is such a given, I don’t think you can consider that a TFM.

    13 years ago at 1:26 pm
    1. The White Bobby J

      If day drinking is such a “given” then it’s a perfect example of a TFM dumbshit

      13 years ago at 12:10 am