Andrew Luck Is The Nicest Shit-Talker In Sports

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If you’re one of those slapdicks who only enjoys athletes who “play the game the right way” and “act like they’ve been there before,” you no doubt love everything Andrew Luck stands for. He stayed in school to get his degree, he always puts blame solely on his shoulders, and gosh darn it, he “just wins, baby.”

The latest news on the Colts franchise quarterback should come as no surprise, either: he’s the nicest dude in the game.

At this point, I imagine all you traditionalists are just stroking your meat to 12 and his excessively positive demeanor. Sure, it’s refreshing to see a quarterback get hit and not immediately look for the flag, but this is just overboard. I need some fire in my gunslinger. I want him to seek out the corner who’s been shit-talking the entire game, get in his grill after a touchdown, and just lay it on him à la Tom Brady. Instead, Colts fans are stuck with this:

From The Wall Street Journal:

“You know if you hear a quarterback get mad, you are in his head,” [Nolan] Carroll said. “With Luck, you thought you hurt the guy, you hear ‘good job’ and you just say ‘aw, man.’”

“You want to say thank you but then you say ‘wait a second–I’m not supposed to like you!’” [Ryan] Kerrigan said.

Call me crazy, but I’m not buying him being this annoyingly humble. This has to be an elaborate ploy to get defenders to subconsciously let up on him, right? Where players have no problem suplexing Johnny Manziel and celebrating with the money hands, they’ll genuinely feel bad about blasting Luck. Meanwhile, 12 takes advantage and carves up the D like a cold-blooded killer. It’s not good sportsmanship, it’s some next level reverse psychology bullshit. Yeah, I’m on to you, Andrew.

[via The Wall Street Journal]

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  1. ncgentleman

    My theory on this is by saying “nice hit” and everything, Luck is letting the guys know that they can’t really hurt him. It has to be infuriating as a defensive end to think you absolutely drilled a quarterback and for him then to pop up and tell you what a great job that was, and know that you didn’t really hurt him at all.

    10 years ago at 5:50 pm
  2. WtF_

    I guess I’m a slapdick then. I’d rather have more guys like him than some ghetto fuck embarrassing himself because he just had to celebrate making a tackle even though his team is down by 20 points. Or worse guys who find ways to make themselves the center of attention when their team just won the NFC championship game (Sherman).

    10 years ago at 6:03 pm
  3. DionysusFratGod

    Andrew Luck is the type of dude that will clock a drunk in the face , and then nurse him back to health.

    10 years ago at 9:10 pm
  4. RoyTinCup

    I recall a play where he took a huge hit from Ray Lewis, jumped back up and smacked Ray’s helmet saying “good hit” or something like that.

    10 years ago at 9:32 pm
  5. Raylan_Givens

    For some reason, this is sort of how I picture Bacon responding when a girl shuts him down.

    10 years ago at 10:07 pm