Angry Hungry

When you’re high, eating is a treat, a delight. It’s a pleasurable experience. The sheer volume of the food you eat while high might be gluttonous, but you eat it joyfully. When you’re drunk, or hungover, food is a necessity. You don’t want food, you NEED it. It doesn’t matter if you ate a five-course meal before you started drinking. You will be hungry. Really fucking hungry. Angry hungry.

Angry hungry is when you rip through chicken nachos at 3:00am at the local Mexican diarrhea factory eatery like you’re a starved lion devouring a wounded gazelle… that’s slathered in queso. Angry hungry is knowing with complete certainty that said nachos will eviscerate your sphincter the next morning but eating them anyway. Angry hungry is eating what’s left of those nachos, cold, WHILE you’re violently crapping out the festering spice demon you conceived the night before.

No amount of food is enough to slake the appetite of someone who is angry hungry. If a UNICEF volunteer strolled into a college town Whataburger after midnight they’d probably cry. Angry hunger is the reason there are food shortages. Droughts and plagues have nothing on 30,000 drunk kids with empty stomachs.

Angry hungry is what you are at 1:00pm when you roll out of bed, hungover as balls, and stumble into a Cici’s Pizza buffet. An angry hungry person is actually one of the three most common types of people to eat at Cici’s Pizza. The other two types being soccer teams whose parents didn’t love them enough to go to Pizza Hut and trailer park birthday party attendees.

Angry hungry is what drives you to shamelessly take the last nine slices of pepperoni, leaving the devastated eight-year-old standing behind you with only a Mexican supreme pizza to eat. A normal person might feel bad. An angry hungry person doesn’t give a shit. Sure the pudgy little kid is now crying because he’d rather swallow a pint of arsenic laced dog semen than eat a pizza with black olives on it, but you know what? Fuck that kid, you’re angry hungry.

Being angry hungry also means that the person eating/waiting for food will be extremely agitated, literally until they’ve consumed a week’s worth of Michael Phelps’ calories. Debates about who is paying are usually ended with a simple “I don’t give a fuck, I don’t give a fuck, I don’t give a fuck! I will literally pay $2,000 and give a hand job for a single pokey stick right now!”

And for the love of God do not mess up an angry hungry person’s food.

Example 1

Angry Hungry: I asked for ranch dipping sauce with this pizza. There’s no ranch dipping sauce.

Delivery Man: Whoops, must have forgotten it.

Angry Hungry: Oh… TIME TO FUCKING DIE!

(*Punches eight holes in the dry wall, runs to delivery car, craps on the hood*)

Example 2


Cashier: (*crying*) I, uh, I…


(*runs outside, pulls up handful of grass, runs back in*)

Angry Hungry: THIS IS AWFUL!

(*shoves grass in mouth, starts chewing*)

Angry Hungry: I DON’T WANT THIS! … (*spits chewed grass at cashier*) Fuck it, just give me the damn sandwich.

Depriving someone who is angry hungry of food is like playing with fire, you will get burned, and by burned I mean stabbed. If you see a person being forcefully escorted from the premises of a Chinese buffet around noon on a Saturday there’s a good chance someone inside paid dearly for taking the last three crab rangoons. There’s also a good chance the person being forcefully escorted out is me. Don’t take all my crab rangoons bro.

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m all kinds of hungover and have a bad case of angry hungry myself. I need to make another breakfast taco run to Rudy’s. God help them if they’re out of chopped tacos. God help them…

  1. LittleDeltaGee

    I call it being “hangry”

    I also like to pretend that I’m funny and clever.

    13 years ago at 5:35 pm
    1. LittleDeltaGee

      ^^This hahaha
      I don’t compromise. I get what I want, and that doesn’t include pee or anyone’s fist in my butt. Sorry ’bout it.

      13 years ago at 3:36 pm
    2. Papa_Burgundy

      I start every day off with a fresh dose of butt pee, you should do the same.

      13 years ago at 1:41 pm
    3. FaFratstar

      ^^I’ll take you out to a nice seafood dinner, and most likely call you again.

      13 years ago at 9:38 pm
  2. FratfricanAmerican

    This happens to me so fucking often. Alcohol doesn’t even have to be involved, sometimes I just get unreasonably enraged when I’m forced to wait a few hours to eat.

    13 years ago at 7:03 pm
    1. FratfricanAmerican

      hahah I’m so far from fat I can’t even take this seriously. No matter how much I eat and try, I can never get above 190.

      13 years ago at 11:19 pm
    1. Frat you

      Maybe if you have been sippin’ on 40s’ with Wizard Khalifa and the rest of your, homies.

      13 years ago at 8:09 am
    2. southerncostas

      Waffle house and steak and shake. FaF
      But really though I’d eat the fuck out of some frisco melts

      13 years ago at 1:52 pm