VIDEO: Psycho SJW Annaliese Nielsen Gets Offended By Hula Doll, Goes Scorched Earth On Lyft Driver
Another day, another social justice warrior out there fighting some fight because they think they’ll get good karma for doing so. This time, according to The Libertarian Republic, Annaliese Nielsen who is a big SJW in the online community for women’s rights, obliterates a Lyft driver over his hula doll.
Annaliese hopped into a Lyft after a night out, saw that the driver had a hula doll on his dashboard, and went off on him for appropriating the Hawaiian culture.
Quick side note: Lauren Southern — kinda hot.
Jokes on Annaliese, here. Gawker is gone, so upload it to Gawker as much as you want. No one will be answering that email. So many hilarious things in here. First, she thinks that Hawaii is a continent. Second, in an attempt to humiliate a nice person over a harmless doll, she ends up looking psychotic on the internet.
Good for the Lyft driver to end the ride, which the driver is totally allowed to do, by the way, according to Lyft’s policy. Nor does he have to give her his name again when she asks. Yet she seems like it’s entitled to her for some reason.
Annaliese, you suck..
Image via Shutterstock
This is a leap that would make Bob Beamon blush. Come on Nielsen.
8 years ago at 10:48 amThe funny thing is, I thought it would be the lyft driver posting it to shame a crazy passenger. However, this is fucking entirely insane. Also Hawaii isn’t a fucking continent you stupid bitch.
Quick story. With all this PC fuckery flying around of white liberals getting pissed off about stupid shit, I decided to do some research. I wanted to know if the best muppet, Swedish Chef, was offensive to Swedes. I mean he is a stereotype, and even talks in Swedish sounding gibberish. Their response, “no not really, he’s actually more Norwegian”.
TL;DR SJWs need to STFU
8 years ago at 11:09 amWhy does every TFM writer feel so compelled to include scorched earth in every other article?
8 years ago at 11:13 amSomeone’s gotta lower their standards and have coital relations with that girl so she calms down.
8 years ago at 11:27 amThe amount of booze You would need to consume to sleep with that thing would kill you before you could.
8 years ago at 12:29 pmSomeone should at least throw her a bone a do a favor to society and toss something in her trapper to keep this nonesense from spilling out on the innocent Lyft drivers of the world
8 years ago at 8:23 pmGuys, gonna be serious for a moment. I think the term SJW has been used quite a bit to describe individuals with legitimate grievances. Basically I can understand why a black person would take offense to seeing an image of a fellow black individual compared to a gorilla, and I’m not going to tell them to “suck it up.”
That said, this girl should kill herself
8 years ago at 11:32 amI sure hope this cankerous whore is infertile.
8 years ago at 11:33 amis this intended to be a play on words that sounds like “canker sore” or did you do that by accident?
8 years ago at 12:29 pmI’m sure her rusty puss looks like a canker sore
8 years ago at 2:25 pmThis is one of the absolute worst ones yet. The fact that this isn’t satire… that some people actually think like this… Absolutely unbelievable. Props to the driver for not taking her shit though. Power move to leave her in the middle of nowhere
8 years ago at 11:42 amLauren Southern could get it.
8 years ago at 11:48 amAh god I’d be okay if she went out the windshield
8 years ago at 12:21 pmJudging by her voice, Annaliese is either drunk or has some kind of brain damage. Probably the latter.
8 years ago at 12:24 pm