Someone recommended this “Greek Life” website to me. There was some post where a girl was showing off her tattoo. I cringed and wondered why this was allowed. Then I saw that she went to a northern school. Evidently tattoos and dressing like a hipster are cool in northern sororities.
Kim Kardashian said it first. i agree, but not original
14 years ago at 9:04 amOk, Teresa from Real Housewives.
14 years ago at 9:23 amSomeone recommended this “Greek Life” website to me. There was some post where a girl was showing off her tattoo. I cringed and wondered why this was allowed. Then I saw that she went to a northern school. Evidently tattoos and dressing like a hipster are cool in northern sororities.
14 years ago at 9:35 amWay to quote the trashy none TSM girls on earth: jersey housewives. NS
14 years ago at 9:49 amI agree with the idea of tattoos being trashy, but, please, never quote Kim Kardashian ever again.
14 years ago at 9:57 amway to quote kim kardashian gdi. lay off the trashy tv and make me a sandwich.
14 years ago at 10:12 amkim kardashian quote jeed
14 years ago at 10:40 amyeah total GDI these TSMs that these ladies post just shows how hard they try
14 years ago at 1:59 pmIts ok to have tatoos cause my polo and lacoste shirts cover them up.
14 years ago at 4:39 pmI’d bet my Yurman bracelet that you’re still a virgin….and a jeed.
14 years ago at 4:43 pmHow do y’all know that’s a Kim Kardashian quote?
14 years ago at 8:08 pm