Haliburton paying Nigeria 250 million dollars to drop the bribery charges against Cheney. TFM.

  1. Frat

    Halliburton paid off Nigeria to drop charges of bribery? How the hell does that make sense? I wouldn’t call corruption a TFM.

    14 years ago at 5:51 am
  2. Anon

    That’s what TFM has come to mean, or at least that’s what these kids brag about.

    14 years ago at 8:01 am
  3. Peter Frathard

    You wouldn’t believe how many under the table deals go on, I’m in Equatorial Guinea Interning hopefully for a future position & I’ve seen and heard how much they make & how much is just handouts to keep them happy

    14 years ago at 12:00 pm
  4. Fratley Cooper

    If this is true, it sounds like one retarded business move on the part of Halliburton. How in the fuck would fucking NIGERIA extradite Cheney to even give him a trial? There is not a chance the United States would allow that to happen.

    14 years ago at 1:27 pm