Drinking Blue Label and catching sailfish off the coast of Costa Rica for Spring Break. TFM.

  1. colobrodo

    i dont get this south vs east/northeast/midwest/west battle via tfm- feel like were all 18,19,20 yrs old get off all that shit, I didn’t think ‘gentlemen’ act like a bunch of god damn retards. Getting all stoked about America and then hating on it. Literally there is nothing fucking cool about the south- its the shithole of America. But i’ll respect it. cause I’m an American.

    14 years ago at 2:44 am
    1. colobrodo

      choosing a school to be close to my house in Beaver Creek and get 40 days of skiing a year…not even going to put tfm or nf because clearly by every fucking comment on this site no one knows what is frat and not frat.

      14 years ago at 2:55 am
    2. Bropenhagen

      While I will have to respectfully disagree about the South being the “shithole of America”, I completely agree that the comments on this site have become nothing but childish arguments about what is and is not frat and which region is the “best.”

      14 years ago at 11:04 am
  2. CF Orvis

    Nobody drinks scotch on a boat unless its after hours and the fishing is done. G&T’s please.

    14 years ago at 3:31 pm