Banged an OSU girl on Bourbon St. then threw up all over her room just to let her know who really won the Sugar Bowl. TFM.

  1. Costa Vision

    So throwing up in her room further proved that OSU did in fact score more points and therefore won the Sugar Bowl? You Southerners are so bitter and sad. How embarrassing.

    14 years ago at 8:09 pm
  2. Brohio

    Throwing up because you can’t hold your liquor. NF. Winning the Sugar Bowl. TFM. I thought they didn’t let geeds on this site

    14 years ago at 8:14 pm
    1. SEC

      He never said he threw up cause he couldn’t hold his liquor geed. Being from ohio. NF.

      14 years ago at 8:24 pm
    2. Broby Petrino

      I did not encounter a single fratstar from Ohio but I couldn’t move on the street without seeing at least one hog fan fratting his balls off. I also saw a lot of Buckeye jerseys and cargos. The Hogs may have lost the game, despite Tressel’s terrible second half, but the Hogs most certainly won Bourbon st.

      14 years ago at 11:47 pm
    3. Fratter Dan Band

      Anybody that lives above the mason-dixon line and can’t trace their family heritage to the confederate side of the civil is a GDI who doesn’t deserve to post on this site. Oh wait one more thing.. what happened the last The Ohio State University as GDIs refer to it by went to the national championship. Roll Motherfuckin Tide and Go SEC!!!

      14 years ago at 12:53 am
    4. BaFrat Brobama

      FratterDan, you are an idiot to put it politely. I hate Ohio and that shitty university, however your ignorance is unparalleled! That post rivals a “TSM” on the shitty meter. And to everyone, STOP BRINGING UP THAT OLD ASS WAR! Especially if you lost!

      14 years ago at 4:37 pm
    5. SEC

      Broby Petrino I agree 100% with your statement. Everywhere you looked you would see a Frest(Mountain hardware/patagonia), RL, VV, SP, and sperrys. All you saw from Ohio State was jerseys and shit. Im not a hog fan but i was in New Orleans.

      14 years ago at 7:20 am
  3. Xi

    I was gunna fuck a OSU girl……but then I saw a girl that was attractive…..and didn’t have herpes.

    14 years ago at 8:21 pm
  4. Marcus Frattimore

    Regardless of who “actually” won the Sugar Bowl, this is one of the only true TFMs on this site.

    14 years ago at 8:30 pm
    1. Brolo

      If Arkansas had won, it would have been just another SEC win. Not really a big deal. But because OSU won it is some huge thing to celebrate. 1-9 isn’t worth celebrating in our book, but enjoy the spotlight.
      We’ll buy all the championship rings anyways, I’m sure they will pop up on eBay sooner or later.

      14 years ago at 11:03 pm
    1. The Asshole

      Don’t be jealous just because you can’t find your balls in your purse to do something like this.

      14 years ago at 6:16 am
  5. Keith moons liver

    Holy shit, if my team scores less points that the other team but I fuck one of their fans after the game and throw up on her shit, that means we “really won”? ESPN should do a report on all the shit ass teems from party schools that are actually undefeated in bowl games.

    14 years ago at 10:41 pm
    1. sam walton

      It is spelt teams* you idiot. Arkansas was be considered backwards to most, but at least we can still spell.

      14 years ago at 6:04 am