Southwest Airlines kicking that geed from Green Day off his flight because he was sagging. TFM.

  1. frat blunts

    Is it me or should someone from a band like Greenday have enough money to avoid commercial flights, let alone southwest.

    13 years ago at 12:22 pm
    1. ksig565

      Oh I bet you’re having the Time of Your Life throwing in Green Day’s stupid song titles into comments. Grow up

      13 years ago at 2:55 pm
    2. CorporateLaw

      ^^ I see what you did there
      ^The only one who doesn’t. Your name suits you.

      13 years ago at 4:03 pm
    1. NathanBROfordForrest

      Since when is free bagage NF. Now I realize we all could afford the it, but I mean there is nothing wrong with saving some money.

      13 years ago at 8:07 pm