4 a.m. "Emergency Executive Board Meeting" to avoid cuddling. TFM.

  1. Ambassador of Frat

    Next time just tell your boyfriend that you’ve got early morning yoga class or something. This is NF for so many reasons.

    13 years ago at 6:05 am
  2. PoonPappy

    Although the wording is a little hazy, if you guys had any experience with slampieces you would understand. You see for the female, sex is only a tool used to entrap said frat star into a night of “cuddling.” This post-coital phenomenon usually starts with the female pressing her breasts against you and moving her leg over your own. She will lay silent and motionless maybe throwing a kiss in every few seconds. Then comes the bad part– she begins to open her mouth. You will learn about why she hates so and so, and which of her sisters are fucking who, and maybe even what she is going to wear the next day. Basically you have to have some sort of excuse to get her to shut the fuck up and leave.

    13 years ago at 10:55 am
  3. Texas Bro

    In Austin we would’ve just kicked the wench out. TFTC. By the way you shouldn’t mix bourbon with anything.

    13 years ago at 11:54 am