I taught McCain's son how to fire an M-16 while he was enrolled in the Naval Academy. TFM.

  1. Broker

    You should have taught his dad to win an election and we true Americans would not be in this Obama induced mess.

    14 years ago at 11:51 pm
    1. Fratrick Brochanan

      Although, John McCain was pretty much a frat star…getting into the Academy because his grandfather was an Admiral and his father wasn’t far behind, hoppin the wall to go boozin as a plebe, taking Navy planes to go bang slammies, started a yacht/drinking club on some tiny lake on base…

      14 years ago at 10:41 am
    1. Brodyssius

      M-16’are for pogues (That’s how it’s spelled by the way) but I can GUARANTEE that Nitro has shot one at some point during his apparently brief military career–whether at The Point, in ROTC, or at OCS.

      14 years ago at 9:39 am
    2. Nitro Hazington

      I’ve used 16’s in ROTC , whenever we pulled weapons from the reserve armory they were beat m16a4s and I hated them when we pulled from from the guard combat arms unit we got m4s with 68’s. Day and night difference and I stand by my previous statement. Clearing rooms with a m16 is like using a 2×4 and is a pain in a Humvee

      14 years ago at 11:26 am
    3. Fratam Nail

      Hahaha, Brodyssius. Pogues? Do you know what POG stands for? I can guarantee it’s not “pogues”

      14 years ago at 12:12 pm
    4. Brodyssius

      Personnel other than Grunts. Generally synonymous with REMF.

      When written, as I have seen it in a number of books and articles, most of which were set in Vietnam or OIF, it is spelled as I did previously. However, I suppose either way is sufficient to convey the point…

      14 years ago at 12:46 pm
    5. Fratam Nail

      ^^ I’ve never seen anyone spell it “Pogue” Person Other than Grunt. POG. If you want to spell it Pogue, that’s your call, but i’m also pretty sure you’re one of the other.

      14 years ago at 3:22 pm
    6. FAFschwartz

      Hey Nitro Hazington: A- you are a loser. Congrats on Army ROTC and not understanding the fact that the Marines still use M16A4s except for Sergeants and above. (Also Recon, Marsoc, and Drivers.)

      Your ignorance has shown you to be a fucking boot.

      Also, congrats on doing the officer program that accepts everyone.

      14 years ago at 3:31 pm
    7. FAFschwartz

      B- You haven’t done shit. Try deploying before you talk at all.

      You are the reason the enlisted hate new officers. Pompous arrogant and ignorant.

      –Cock Salute

      14 years ago at 3:49 pm
    8. Brodyssius

      Well, I don’t know think that the Recce Batts use M-16s…Nor does MARSOC…though they may have them in the armory, because both units have pogues.

      At the Sergeant’s Major Symposium in ’06 they were talking about transitioning to the M-4 however they decided against it because you can’t drill with an M-4. Being that a lot of Sergeants Major in the Corps are in fact, pogues, they chose ceremonial needs over combat effectiveness.

      And Yes, that is ONE reason why the enlisted hate boot officers…I also dislike them because I don’t believe that graduating from college makes you immediately fit for command…and because of the “good” ideas they always have…the Bronze Stars they write themselves up for…and their general lack of accountability when they fuck up (this of course goes for Senior Enlisted as well).

      14 years ago at 6:00 pm
    9. FAFschwartz

      They also didn’t want to phase out the bayonet. (M4 has no bayonet stud.) The M16A4 is just better for hand to hand.

      For all of you arguing about pog vs. pogue-

      Originally, the term was a sexual insult in early twentieth century gay culture, as “pogue” was slang for a young male who submitted to sexual advances.[3] This led to the related term “pogey bait”, meaning candy or sweets.

      Someone in the 40’s figured out it could also be spelled POG to mean personnel other than grunt. Glad I could clear that up for you. Both spellings are correct, while pogue is the original term.

      14 years ago at 9:38 pm
    10. Brodyssius

      Umm, an M-4, ours at least, have bayonet lugs. We certainly don’t carry bayonets, but they have the lug. And to your other point about Sergeants only carrying M-4s…I carried an M-4 long before I was a Sergeant…though it may work that way in a line unit…

      I will agree that an M-4 isn’t good for hand-to-hand however. You can’t really buttstroke someone with an M-4 because a bent buffer spring tube will put a weapon out of service. Having said that, I don’t think that is necessarily a good reason to stick with the M-16 over an M-4. The size and weight savings is absolutely worth the neglible losses due to the shortened barrel and collapsable buttstock. And both are fairly resilient for “standard” use–which doesn’t generally including buttstroking someone with it, PLFing on to it (because you flared too high or because you jump round chutes and have no choice), or because an IED went off and slammed your buddy up against a vehicle breaking the barrel off at the Delta Ring.

      14 years ago at 4:04 pm
    1. Frat rolls

      See my plebe summer at USMA. USNA blows. Lets join a Branch that only 1% of it actually sees real combat. Most of them not being officers. Real patriotic chilling on a boat while real men do the fighting.

      14 years ago at 9:12 pm
    2. Frat Ryan

      Frat rolls, I don’t care if you’re in the armed forces, don’t disrespect another branch. Every member serving is protecting our country regardless of branch.

      14 years ago at 9:16 pm
    3. Semper South

      Wow glad to see that you have all read up on your Naval Academy facts from Wikipedia. Considering about 1/3 of each graduating class commissions as Marines, and another chunk becomes SEAL and EOD officers, you are a freaking idiot Frat Rolls for thinking grads from the Naval Academy don’t see combat. Tell that to my brothers who have died in the war.

      14 years ago at 10:27 pm
    4. Frat rolls

      Since I’m fifth generation army you can kiss my ass. You are full of shit if you think a good chunk of usna grads go SEALs. Come talk to me when your real family is killed in combat. My dad was an O-6 KIA in Afghanistan.

      14 years ago at 11:14 pm
    5. FAFschwartz

      hey frat rolls, your dad sounds like a great guy. too bad his son is a fucking moron.

      14 years ago at 12:03 am
    1. Fratrick Brochanan

      Jesus, take some of that new money you’ve allegedly got and go buy a fuckin clue…

      14 years ago at 2:27 pm