ASU QB Manny Wilkins Is Entering Dangerous Territory, Dates Smoking Hot Arizona Alum Evyn Murray


Manny Wilkins is living large in Tempe. He’s the starting quarterback for the Arizona State Sun Devils, he’s shown that he can hurdle defenders with ease, and he’s got a smoke of a girlfriend who happens to be a sports broadcaster for the PAC 12 Networks, Evyn Murray. Unfortunately for Manny, he’s entering the dangerous territory in the state of Arizona. Her heart lies with the enemy over in Tucson at the University of Arizona.

Let’s take a look at some pics:

A photo posted by Evyn Murray (@evynmurray) on

A photo posted by Evyn Murray (@evynmurray) on

A photo posted by Evyn Murray (@evynmurray) on

A photo posted by Evyn Murray (@evynmurray) on

A photo posted by Evyn Murray (@evynmurray) on

A photo posted by Evyn Murray (@evynmurray) on

A photo posted by Evyn Murray (@evynmurray) on

A photo posted by Evyn Murray (@evynmurray) on

Maybe he can convert her to a Sun Devil fan?

h/t Busted Coverage

  1. Drunk Billy Madison

    We get it, QB’s at big D1 schools have hot girlfriends, not really surprising

    8 years ago at 10:14 am
      1. TheEmperor

        When do we all start talking about the ‘good ole’ days – have we reached that point yet?

        8 years ago at 10:35 am
      2. Cottonmouth

        I feel like that point was in the first quarter of 2014. Now it’s just a slow trudge towards death.

        8 years ago at 10:44 am
  2. Steroid are frat

    I don’t know about smoking hot but I’d finger banger her and tongue punch her fart box

    8 years ago at 10:22 am
      1. Steroid are frat

        The girls I date I wouldn’t put my tongue anywhere near their fart box I was trying compliment this nice lady

        8 years ago at 11:12 am
    1. JohnRedcorn211

      I’m not comfortable with someone from ASU walking around without a bicycle helmet on their head.

      8 years ago at 11:15 am
  3. Puddles10

    Anyone else find themselves debating the line on women’s high heels between sexy and reckless? They obviously make the booty look more edible, but who wants to play the crutch for the drunk chick that decided to throw all safety out the window with her shoe selection?

    8 years ago at 10:37 am
  4. Colonel Reb forever

    1) She’s cute, but not smoking.

    2) Once you go even half-black, we don’t want you back.

    8 years ago at 10:48 am