Being politically incorrect for the sole reason of making liberals do the only thing they ever do: whine. TFM.

    1. She's a Chi Omega girl!

      Yeah, you see how well that worked out for you. See the house and senate? Same goes for the president in 2012 honey.

      14 years ago at 7:38 pm
  1. Damien

    It’s not frat being ignorant to other peoples’ views. Step outside your gated community and you might see people think differently than you do. Step outside your country and you’ll see billions of people don’t think like you either. Ignorance really is bliss, isn’t it? Why don’t you grow up and start acting like a man that is still confident in himself and his country, but still open to different view points and perspectives.

    I love my country, both republicans and democrats, conservatives and liberals.

    14 years ago at 2:50 pm
    1. fraTennessee

      I still don’t love or respect liberals on any level possible. They are unAmerican as you can get and are driving our country to the ground rapidly. Supporting liberals is the most unAmerican thing you can do. It isn’t ignorance if you know both sides and choose to be Conservative. Go back to your one bedroom apartment in San Francisco, smoke weed, expect the government to take care of you and your family, and celebrate “the holidays” with your “festivity trees” while us Southerners will enjoy life the way it was meant to be enjoyed here in God’s Country. Merry Christmas geed!

      14 years ago at 6:30 pm
    2. Poly

      The guy is obviously fucking around, saying shit like “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays.” When did everyone on this site turn in to a bitch? Get off your soapbox.

      14 years ago at 6:57 pm
    3. Order up

      First of all this is America, so why should I give a damn about the views of other countries? If the liberals would stay out of our pockets and quit trying to force their radical beliefs on us, then maybe we would be open to their ideas.

      14 years ago at 9:16 pm
    4. 1865

      Liberals kicked your ass and burnt your farms over 100 years ago. And the old south is still the poorest part of the country. How’s that for a msg from G-d?

      14 years ago at 3:52 pm
  2. The Moderator of TFM is a HUGE gdi for sure.

    I am pretty sure there are some liberals working/moderating this site because my well thought out, logical response to “Damien’s” post was removed. Since when did being a true American Conservative become so offensive that my post was removed? Mind you it had no coarse language at all. This site gets less fratty every single day and if i can’t talk about how proud I am to be Southern, Republican, and Christian and cannot talk in a logically condescending way showing fallacies in other peoples beliefs, I do not want to be on this site anymore. Keep fratting hard no matter how much the liberals hate it. Greek, Southern and God Fearing. Amen.

    14 years ago at 7:52 pm
    1. Fratstar

      Shut up. Seriously, who gives a shit. The fact that you took the time to write not one, but two responses shows that you don’t have a life. No one gives a shit. Chug a beer and get over it.

      14 years ago at 11:20 pm
    2. KA-wesome

      You must give a shit to take time away from your life to post something about how no one else doesn’t give a shit. Sounds like a liberal to me. NF

      14 years ago at 6:09 am
  3. Cpt. Bro of the 101st

    I wore my W. 2004 cap to the grocery store today and purposely got in line of a pierced and tatted up clerk. Merry Christmas. I was amused, she was not.

    14 years ago at 3:40 am