The North makes Vineyard Vines, Brooks Brothers, and Polo. The South makes Vineyard Vines, Brooks Brothers, and Polo look good. TFM.

    1. Better than you

      You are all super creative with your names huh? Brooks Brothers (the frattiest attire) is from the North. FM (Frattiest Move)

      14 years ago at 4:05 pm
  1. k

    Can’t wait for that one northern shithead from bumfuck Vermont to come tell us how his geed liberal ass thinks that the North is more frat…when it’s not.

    14 years ago at 10:32 pm
    1. kAalltheway

      …And the South contributes what exactly? Besides country music and fat women? Go stick your dick in a light socket hick.

      14 years ago at 11:54 pm
    2. GWB

      its fun to frat it up in college but anyone who stays down south is only good for electoral votes.

      Frat in college you are a bro
      Frat in postgrad you are a boss

      a boss in the south is about as good as being president of the asian frat or aepi

      nyc=power, money, bitches

      14 years ago at 12:25 am
    3. sir frattalot

      Really? Even though its Texas that had been least hit by the recession, Texas that lost the least jobs, Texas is where many businesses are starting to move their headquarters too, and Texas who isn’t needing federal bailout money. The South is where states still haven’t fully sold out their power to the national government and its where everyone is better off

      14 years ago at 7:14 am
    4. Fratmile Broheim

      Sir frattalot, I have no idea where you are getting your numbers, but you are wayyyyyyyyyyyyy off. Texas has not be hit the least by the recession. The August 2010 numbers indicate that Texas’s unemployment sits at 8.3% and at least 23 other states have a lower unemployment rate than that.

      And how has the south not fully “sold off their power to the national government.” Is there some special clause in the constitution saying the south doesn’t have to fully abide by it?

      14 years ago at 7:40 am
    5. Bro Girardi

      Bateman, I have no idea. New Yorkers (read: Manhattanites) don’t lose our own money, we lose everyone else’s when we’re bored with the market being too stable and collect commissions on the transactions. Also Texas is getting businesses from those communist freaks in California, not the northeast. And Texas isn’t the south, I am a New Yorker and I can honestly say that texas is its own brand of awesome. the rest of the south except maybe the carolinas is like a 3rd world country compared to Texas, they pump the countries gas and sell cheap shit at wal-mart.

      14 years ago at 9:21 am
    6. Church of Fratter-Day Saints

      Texas is in the South no matter how you look at it. Most of the state is not in the deep south. The only portion of the state that is an extension of the deep south is East Texas. Talk about poverty. Not all states in the South are the same. There are variations when you travel across the region. Mississippi is not the same as Virginia. Arkansas and South Carolina differ in many ways. There are different regions of the South. To say Texas isn’t in the South is ignorant. Much of Texas has prospered the last few decades, for various reasons, and has created it’s own brand of Southern.

      14 years ago at 10:11 am
    7. TXFrat

      I don’t know what you are talking about but Texas has 64 fortune 500 headquarters and New York only has 56. Texas also had an 11 billion dollar surplus so yeah your economy is shit

      14 years ago at 1:14 pm
    8. Better than you

      Go ahead and check which university has had the most graduates that end up being CEOs at Fortune 500 companies. It is a PUBLIC university in the NORTH. Don’t argue money with the North. We win.

      14 years ago at 4:03 pm
    9. the earl of frat

      Whatever bro you make money but all goes to those damn hippies in the democratic party try swinging a GOP vote in the north then we can talk about who is frat and who is not.

      14 years ago at 1:19 am
  2. Laxachusetts

    Ah another Southerner making himself look unintelligent and immature. Wake up pal, no one cares if its North or South. It’s America goddammit, some of you need to start acting like it.

    14 years ago at 11:03 pm
  3. sae4

    Thanks for supporting the northern cause douche bags. Keep working on your Southern Proper and Dixie Gentlemen. Maybe someday you’ll make something of importance-besides racism and heart conditions.

    14 years ago at 12:02 am
  4. The Madd Fratter

    Southern Point, Southern Marsh, and SoPro will always more Frat then VV Brooks Brothers and Polo. Every other jeed you see nowadays has a RL Polo on. NF

    14 years ago at 1:23 am
    1. Old Glory

      While I share your opinion that Polo has since become dominated by GDIs, I must admit that Brooks Brothers is the golden standard of frat, and has been since 1818. That was thirty seven years before my fraternity was even founded. It’s America’s oldest men’s clothier, and certainly the frattiest. You can’t mess around with that.

      14 years ago at 1:59 am
    2. Franklin Howard BRObey

      Southern Tide is junk. They have no selection, and I’ve seen alot of GDI’s wearing it. Southern Proper and Southern Marsh are legit though.

      14 years ago at 8:57 am
    3. TexasWallSits

      I hope this is supposed to be a joke.

      Clothing made in some kids basement = NF.
      Clothing made in response to a fratty trend = NF. (Trends = NF)

      So. Point, So. Marsh, and So. Pro are frattier than B2? They’ve been around, what, 5 years? Brooks Brothers was founded in 1818. Snort some class, geeds.

      14 years ago at 9:28 am
    4. Brofessor of Fratology

      J. Press is the most fratty clothing brand. They don’t even have a woman’s section. TFM.

      14 years ago at 12:19 am