The North makes Vineyard Vines, Brooks Brothers, and Polo. The South makes Vineyard Vines, Brooks Brothers, and Polo look good. TFM.

  1. DSP

    The North also makes Yurman… which you all so proudly like to brag about wearing….of course up here in the North we wear Tiffany it’s a higher class of jewelry…

    14 years ago at 6:16 am
    1. Sweetheart

      A, you’re an idiot. Tiffany’s is far classier than Yurman. I stopped wearing Yurman ‘stacks’ in high school.

      14 years ago at 1:34 pm
  2. dumb asses in this site

    So you al say i fucking love America. Then why in the hell do you all always bash on the North or South?

    14 years ago at 9:07 am
    1. kgjdfgjldfklgjdf

      The North is definitely considered American. Clearly, when you hear “North” YOU just have certain, incorrect preconceived notions about what it’s like.

      14 years ago at 3:07 am
  3. ohboy

    why are we fighting over the north and the south? aren’t we all american? let’s fight the other countries! DUUUH!

    14 years ago at 9:27 am
    1. FaF or Die

      At least none of us are muslims. The north does not frat as hard but they still frat. Northerners can be gentleman like but can never be a true Southern gentleman. Nonetheless, I agree with you. We are all greek here and ultimately that is what matters.

      14 years ago at 11:03 am
    1. Gentleman Frat

      Rising past the north socially, economically, ethically, and not to mention frating way harder than you guys ever will TFM.

      14 years ago at 11:05 am
    2. Lincolns Logs

      Sorry but the south hasn’t risen past the North economically (laughable), socially (you can keep your short shorts and fake courtesy) or ethically (slavery and racism are wrong). You’re lucky we let you stay a part of this great nation instead of just cutting the south loose to be governed by their own mouth breathing, backwards ways.

      14 years ago at 11:19 am
    3. Salt of the Frat

      ^ Word. Lincoln shouldn’t have insisted on Reconstruction. Glad I don’t live in a region infested by people who are addicted to meth and talk like trolls.

      14 years ago at 11:48 am
    4. Gentleman Frat

      Disrespecting the greatest stretch of land on the entire planet with child like, idiotic fallacies CNBFE (can never be frat ever). Get some class and some intelligence before you “try” to insult the South again.

      14 years ago at 7:13 pm
    5. Better than you

      I love how the Northerners use actual proof to show how great we are and the Southerners try to legitimize themselves by referencing a way of life that hasn’t been around in decades. I’ve been all over the South and there is no Southern Hospitality (which seems to involve bath mouthing everyone who doesn’t dip daily). Your ancestors were great people. You all just fuck each other and raise cattle. We are richer, whiter, smarter, more hospitable and we are the ones who create “frat”. Go cut coupons you little twit.

      14 years ago at 3:57 pm
  4. Frategan

    We have Plantations. We go to dove hunts. SEC Football. We have the Marsh, the creeks. We have great Accents. Southern Belles. Offshore Fishing. Oyster Roasts. Robert E Lee. Beatiful Weather. Great Scenery

    Have fun in the Urban Jungle, nothing says beatiful like New Jersey or PA.

    Have fun being a pussy in NYC.


    The South

    14 years ago at 11:16 am
    1. PA born and PA bred

      You have never been to Central PA. Everywhere between Pittsburgh and philly has beautiful scenery, great hunting and fishing, no liberals and while i must admit we are lacking that true southern hospitality, were pretty damn close. Oh, and we frat hard as fuck.

      14 years ago at 11:58 am
    2. PA born and PA bred

      Oh and never compare PA to those guido GDIs in NJ. Jersey Blows. (Feel free to lump philly in with jersey, that area is basically the asshole of america)

      14 years ago at 12:03 pm
    3. Broby Petrino

      We beat the shit out of the North for 3 years without any means of production or any manufacturing economy what so ever. It wasn’t until then that the unconstitutional blockade of the south, that Lincoln enacted without the consent of congress. Not to mention His denial of habeas corpus. I quote Ben Franklin, “Those who would sacrifice liberty for temporary security deserve neither.” Have fun hating freedom Yankees.

      14 years ago at 2:19 pm
    4. kgjdfgjldfklgjdf

      PA Born and PA Bred… you clearly have never been to Jersey if you think it’s all like Philly and filled with guidos, so there’s no need to waste any time arguing with your ignorant ass.

      14 years ago at 3:06 am
    5. nickthedick19

      Are you talking about the NYC which is the economic capitol of the world…

      10 years ago at 5:14 pm
  5. Broldman Sachs

    My father lives in New York and runs a hedge fund larger than your state’s GDP.

    14 years ago at 11:57 am
    1. Lincolns Logs


      The wealthiest places in America are the suburbs of NYC and DC, and while DC is below the MD line, it is not Southern in any sense. Stop pretending like you’re “old money” and wealthier than Northerners, your Confederate money is no longer legal tender. The Northeast always has and always will control the rest of the country. Wave your silly flag all you want, we still run this country.

      14 years ago at 1:19 pm
    2. LIT

      Thank you, Lincoln for posting that. Only on Long Island would you have two counties with a 1.5+ population and a less than 40% education rate. Sorry my dad’s last name trumps the state school name on your “daddy’s” diploma.

      I came to school down here just to find a blonde haired, blue eyed southern gentleman to sign our future prenup and make legacies while you all desperately search to be some fratdaddy’s trophy wife in hopes of him paying off your student loans.

      By the way, you can keep Polo. Being a label billboard is about as tactless as your 2006 Yurman stacks. The only RL worth wearing came from my mom’s Fashion Week care package to me down here.

      14 years ago at 2:58 am
  6. southernbelle

    The North started a war, which resulted in more American causualties than any other war, just to keep the South a part of the country. Face it, the North needs us.

    14 years ago at 12:14 pm
    1. PA born and PA bred

      Are you referencing a war that happened about 150 years ago as proof that the we need the south? Back then we needed you… granted I would still miss that southern tobacco. I’ll take Wall Street over General lee avenue any day brother.

      14 years ago at 2:15 pm
    2. A.E.K.D.Broseph

      Actually, the south did, but I digress. Nonetheless, the south is still FaF. Two words: “Southern gentlemen.”

      14 years ago at 2:01 am
    3. stayclassy,

      actually, Virginia, a SOUTHERN state, left the Union and were the initial aggressors in the civil war. Just so you know.

      14 years ago at 5:03 pm
  7. Fratting in Texas

    The north is full of tree hugging liberals who complain about carbon emissions yet they still prefer living in NYC and breathing smog 24 hours a day. In the South we drive massive ass trucks and Tahoes and still breath some of the cleanest Southern air there is. We may not give a fuck about global warming, but we are the only ones who are outdoorsman. Liberals make documentaries about how America is ruining the environment while Republicans limit how much you can hunt to preserve the wildlife. In other words, we’re actually making a difference.

    14 years ago at 2:23 pm