In hindsight I was rude, yes, I was drunk and he pissed me off. As for your simile, an ungrounded comparison to a woman hitter would be considered quite ungentlemanly where I come from. Now, as a fellow fraternity man I would appreciate your ability to understand the effects of alcohol, and the humor that pursues them.
No class. That’s not how a gentleman behaves. You’re just as bad as a fist pumping, woman hitting guido.
14 years ago at 2:54 pmIn hindsight I was rude, yes, I was drunk and he pissed me off. As for your simile, an ungrounded comparison to a woman hitter would be considered quite ungentlemanly where I come from. Now, as a fellow fraternity man I would appreciate your ability to understand the effects of alcohol, and the humor that pursues them.
14 years ago at 5:28 pmYou don’t ash cigars. Learn proper cigar edicate geed.
14 years ago at 4:14 pmEdicate? Seriously?
14 years ago at 4:35 pmEtiquette.
Oh no he was standing there! I’ll just ash my cigar on him!
14 years ago at 5:17 pm