Watching Fox News with my Dad, right when Obama walked up to the microphone he screamed "Is it true you weren't born in the United States you fucking GDI," then changed the channel. TFM.

  1. Rock the Frocket

    Seriously? This “conspiracy” is even more stupid than the “Obama is a Muslim” hypothesis. If you’re going to hate him, do it for his politics.

    Yelling pathetically at the T.V. (other than game day) = NF

    Respecting the President because you respect America, regardless of which party is in power = FAF

    14 years ago at 8:22 pm
    1. John Fratams

      Has it occured to you that Gov of Hawaii Neil Abercrombie said he “couldn’t produce it” when prompted to reveal Obama’s birth certificate. Or the fact that the same Governor was also recorded on air admitting that the certificate doesn’t exist? I’m guessing they don’t report this on MSNBC.

      14 years ago at 8:27 pm
    2. Mountain Frat Wear

      Obama is such a piece of trash gdi. it is impossible for me to have any sort of respect for him. He is everything America is not. I love and respect America, not Obama.

      14 years ago at 8:28 pm
    3. CopeFrat

      Mountain Frat Wear- that is so fucking true, i will die for this country, but Obama, can’t stand him.

      14 years ago at 8:31 pm
    1. CopeFrat

      like why are all these slam pieces even allowed on here? can the make their own website or just block them from commenting on out shit?

      14 years ago at 11:07 pm
    2. TAU

      prove it. apparently YOU have seen these documents. please scan them and make them public to everyone..cuz thats what Presidents are supposed to do (and have done in the past)… just not your “fearless” leader.

      14 years ago at 8:19 am
    1. greatlakes

      mt.fratwear you’re an idiot. no religion is not fraternity. you are probably some instigating gdi, and i bet you couldnt even name a single obama policy, no less one with which you disagree.

      14 years ago at 8:55 pm
    2. Mountain Frat Wear

      Wow you are so clever greatlakes calling people out like that. I guess you I wouldn’t know any of his policies since I am studying law right now would I? I am sorry that my fraternity requires for you to be Christian and loves America. Being a muslim is the least frattiest (or ethical) decision you can possibly make. Most of them do not in any way embrace American traditions and values, they are not Christian (obviously), and do not stand for anything that America stands for at all. The religion and practice of islam is so hate filled and terror oriented that it should be outlawed as a real religion all together. You seem like a hippy gdi who thinks we should embrace these people. I truly believe that muslims are (not yet) a big threat to not only our safety and freedom, but also our American culture. Greatlakes if you want to do a protest rally against Republicans that is fine. You can believe what you want, but when you disrespect America and our troops with your slanderous misinformed, liberal ideology, then go some where else to burn our American flag. If you don’t like America then you can “Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt Out!!!!!”.

      14 years ago at 9:03 pm
    3. Mountain Frat Wear

      Also, my grammar is bad because I am TFTC about proof reading. Your grammar is bad because you are a gdi who wants to some how “bring fraternity guys down a notch” by posting stupid comments on things that matter a lot to us like our country and freedom. You only care about playing Xbox live and smoking pot. We are the real leaders of tomorrow and are educated politically and socially. The obama hating on this site comes from logic not from what MTV and MSNBC tells us to do.

      14 years ago at 9:10 pm
    4. Mountain Frat Wear

      The Shia and Sunni muslims both worship from the Koran (the book of Sura which preaches hatred and violence). What is to keep the “non radicals” from assimilating into our culture and taking us over? Go to the middle east and see how much they like you there. This is where these people come from. Can you not put two and two together?

      14 years ago at 9:22 pm
    5. Mountain Frat Wear

      I agree, but when using logic (something liberals are scared of and do not understand) to disprove idiots and defend America, it must be done. I will never be TFTC about America.

      14 years ago at 9:54 pm
    6. SouthernByGodsGrace

      Mountain Frat Wear does make sense in a way. Fraternal organizations came from protestant countries. Catholics, Hindus, and Muslims look down on them. Jews are for fraternal organizations too. Remember on Friday the 13th 1307 Pope Leo X tried to murder the most FaF fraternal organization of its time. Fraternal orders come from protestants, just look at the founding fathers of most fraternities.

      14 years ago at 9:56 pm
    7. WhiskeyDick

      @Mountain Frat Wear i hate muslims too, but you gotta remember that america is founded upon being free, and that includes freedom of religion. while i dont trust the muslims one bit, there is nothing we can do about it, but at least our government has been doing a good job of keeping the terrorists out (well at least til obama came)

      14 years ago at 9:59 pm
    8. Mountain Frat Wear

      I agree whiskeydick. I wouldn’t hate them as much if they would embrace our culture and be damn proud of being an American instead of (probably) being here for a great agenda. America is a place where you can believe what you want to (i hate libs but allowing whatever you want in your country is FaF) but their ways of life are super un-American.

      14 years ago at 10:09 pm
    9. 11Bro

      I agree with you to a point but you’re still lumping an entire religion into one stereotype.

      14 years ago at 10:24 pm
    10. WhiskeyDick

      ill agree there too mountain frat wear even thats a bit stereotypical. there is a lot of hate coming straight from the religion though, but i feel like its coming more from overseas in the middle east than it is from here. nevertheless, i still dont trust muslims and i definetly dont trust obama

      14 years ago at 10:27 pm
    11. Mountain Frat Wear

      @ Silverspoon- I will never be TFTC about religion either because it is important to me. Being in a fraternity is a huge part of my life but some things are bigger. I am TFTC about my oxford coming untucked when I am raging or when I come to class looking super hungover. There are things to be TFTC about and situations to care about. Maybe you are the one that needs more meaningful things in your life. I know this got way to serious to be on TFM but I am willing to bet I am not alone on these beliefs about Obama, Islam, and loving the hell out of my country.

      14 years ago at 10:45 pm
    12. Silver Spoon

      No disrespect meant, Mountain Frat. Just thinking there might be a better venue for such heavy discussions.

      14 years ago at 10:52 pm
    13. Mountain Frat Wear

      I totally agree. It is just some times it is easy to get off topic from a fun and frivolous intention to something serious when you care a lot about something. Either way, I think obama should be the new term for a word that is more demeaning than geed.

      14 years ago at 10:58 pm
    14. Brony Montana

      I would like to point out that Mountain Frat Wear’s comments are ignorant. Why, you might ask? Here’s a list:
      1) “Being a muslim is the least frattiest (or ethical) decision you can possibly make”
      Most muslims don’t choose to be muslim. They’re born into it just like they are born into their culture.
      2) “[they] do not stand for anything that America stands for at all.”
      Well what exactly does America stand for? Because I’m pretty sure that somewhere in a very important historical document, there reads “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” America was built on freedom; freedom to be different. Frat or GDI, Christian or Muslim, Southern or Northern, etc.
      3) “The Shia and Sunni muslims both worship from the Koran (the book of Sura which preaches hatred and violence).” The Koran doesn’t teach violence. The radical Muslims simply skew its translation and use it to their benefit in trying to root out their “enemies”. The Islamic faith has a lot of history and it simply isn’t one that preaches violence and hatred. Just like there are different views on Christianity, there are different views on Islam.

      14 years ago at 12:10 am
    15. Nice Try

      MFW, you’re the one who doesn’t like the President of our country so you can kindly get the fuck out. You can disagree with political policies but you can’t talk shit about our country and make stuff up about a person’s birth and religion.

      14 years ago at 1:06 am
    16. rooster cogburn

      bro montana:

      that kind of common sense rationale and even keeled reflection has no place on TFM.

      14 years ago at 9:19 am
    17. Order up

      Enough of this respect Obama just cause he’s your president bullshit. He is trying to make is socialist and that is UNAMERICAN. I won’t respect any liberal jackass, president or not.

      14 years ago at 11:22 am
    18. South

      Take a look in the Old Testament to where God told and helped His people commit the genocide of cities and civilizations. I’m a Christian. Times have changed since the Bible was written and so must its interpretation. I haven’t read the Qu’ran but I’m sure the same applies. Don’t be ignorant to an entire religion because of a minority of radicals. It’s people like you who give the South a bad name.

      14 years ago at 1:21 pm
  2. Frat Ryan

    Honestly, no matter how much of a GDI Obama is, your dad just had a Total Redneck Move.

    14 years ago at 8:47 pm
    1. Frat Ryan

      Look – I’m from the South too, but standing up and screaming at the TV like a toddler is fucking pathetic.

      14 years ago at 8:57 pm
    2. greatlakes

      why don’t you go declare war against the united states so we can burn the south again

      14 years ago at 8:57 pm
    3. Henry V

      greatlakes you’ve already been blackballed. stop making the rest of the midwest look like idiots

      14 years ago at 12:33 am
    1. CopeFrat

      and you should be in the kitchen, and making double the sandwiches if you are saying that.

      14 years ago at 8:52 pm
    2. John Slambooty

      What. The. Fuck. I wouldn’t touch a sandwich made by her grimy paws. Hell, I wouldn’t let my Golden touch that sandwich either.

      14 years ago at 9:24 pm
  3. Fratistician

    When I read this post, I picture a fatass with a mullet sitting in the living room of his double-wide trailer on a pullout couch wearing a wife beater and elastic denim shorts, and that upon seeing Obama, he spits out the bite of frozen TV dinner he is chewing with his remaining teeth to childishly yell at the person on the screen.

    Now while Fox News and viewing Obama as NF may definitely be FaF, I would say that this post makes the man in question seem as if he is merely throwing an immature little fit.

    14 years ago at 10:12 pm
    1. CopeFrat

      more like a multi millionaire dad and his son sitting at the farm wife his wife and two other sons and daughters, drinking a glass of wine and hating Obama for ruing this FUCKIN AMAZING country? ya thats what it was.

      14 years ago at 11:09 pm
    2. RockChalkFRAThawk

      Talking like that infront of your wife and daughters, or any women for that matter, NF.

      14 years ago at 11:26 pm
    3. Frat Ryan

      Well, CopeFrat, if that’s what it was, I suggest your multi-millionaire dad act like one (especially in front of women), and not like the trash Fratistician described.

      14 years ago at 10:45 am
  4. Frattire

    Mountain frat wear, you sir are in now way “TFTC” as you claim. You obviously have entirely too much time on your hands to be posting on every single comment on here probably due to your bottom tier fraternity and lack of a clue of what it really is to frat. Come to Texas and we’ll teach you a thing or two other than your political views.

    14 years ago at 11:26 pm
    1. Mountain Frat Wear

      Ha nice try frattire. Texas is FaF and I will probably move there at some point in my life but I love the South. No, I am not in a lower tier fraternity either. I just get on here to see how people from all over America frat.

      14 years ago at 11:40 am