Dad bought a $500 dollar gift certificate to Brooks Brothers at an auction for $10,000. The proceeds will be donated to a special needs school. TFM.

  1. Stay Fratty

    Publicizing what you (or, more accurately, your father) for charities or to help the less fortunate so that you may be applauded by your peers is the lowest thing you could do. Philanthropy is not meant to be flaunted around in a “look at how great I am, now pat me on the back” kind of way. Show some class.

    14 years ago at 4:26 pm
  2. WarDamnFrat

    Would this auction happen to be in Atlanta? Because I was at a similar auction that was auctioning off a $500 Brooks Brothers Gift card and it didn’t go for anywhere near $10,000 and I know the person who won it. Which wasn’t you.

    14 years ago at 9:56 am