Always driving in the left lane. TFM.

  1. They Call Me King Bro, Copy

    This is the dumbest TFM of all time.
    The people who sit in the outside line and not go the speed limit are Geeds

    14 years ago at 2:02 am
    1. Awesome

      I heard he even drives on the left side of the road when there’s only two lanes.

      14 years ago at 2:54 am
  2. Chad

    Know what else is a TFM? Going to Germany and driving 260 kph on the Autobahn. Oh yeah, they also arrest you for driving in the left lane if you’re not passing because it is rude and unsafe.

    14 years ago at 3:03 am
    1. I love hazing

      Well we are in America now and we use MPH not kph so how abou you stop pretending your in Germany. What is wrong with driving the left lane? I do not understand how that is rude but your cool Chad.

      14 years ago at 3:57 am
    2. Chad

      Ok, sorry. 160 MPH. It is rude because it is also illegal to pass on the right, so when the guy going 180 in the 911 Turbo wants to pass, and el hombre is sitting in the left lane, the Porsche driver has to slow down or risk being pulled over. Thank you for the compliment sir.

      14 years ago at 4:56 pm
  3. I Agree With Chad

    I like how you ended your comment with “I dumbass”. At least you’re not in denial.

    14 years ago at 3:07 am
  4. Frattin and stackin

    I drive on in the right lane, if im goin to fast they move, my dick hangs to the right, my dip sits in the right, my slampiece is on the right, and my views are on the right. TFM.

    14 years ago at 4:15 am