Fratrick U make the pledges clap for u because no one else will. Sucks to suck 14 years ago at 7:31 am
Brostan Whaler People clap for you at the driving range, not only on the course but at he driving range you must be the maaaaaaannnn. Also spell out all of your words, you type like a little girl. 14 years ago at 9:09 am
U shoot in the hundos. Fucking GDIM
14 years ago at 3:52 amU make the pledges clap for u because no one else will. Sucks to suck
14 years ago at 7:31 amPeople clap for you at the driving range, not only on the course but at he driving range you must be the maaaaaaannnn. Also spell out all of your words, you type like a little girl.
14 years ago at 9:09 amI like how any move someone has to call them a GDI. Grow up
14 years ago at 8:15 amGDI
14 years ago at 10:58 am