"Today I can tell you this: We are the best football team in the United States of America, and War Eagle." TFM.

    1. Go Pokes

      I’d be bitter too if I hadn’t seen my team play in 3+ weeks.

      Directed towards Florida, not Brosta.

      14 years ago at 7:35 am
    2. KappaKlassy

      Did you watch the game Florida Buzzkill?? Auburn stopped Oregon in the redzone FOUR times. If you dont call that playing well, you’re stupid. It was an AMAZING game, especially considering that no player on EITHER team could play their best due to that GDI Oregon turf. True showing that Auburn is more than a one player team and that Pac 10 cant live up to SEC defense.

      14 years ago at 11:27 pm
  1. Quack Attack

    please admit though, i understand we lost, but please admit we arent a bunch of suck ass gdi’s.

    14 years ago at 5:26 am
    1. Big 10 Fratboy

      Logic and parley doesn’t work with these people, Mr. Attack. All you can do is be a bigger douche to them. Hard as that may be

      14 years ago at 5:29 am
    2. Buster Bro-sey

      Suck-ass, no. GDI’s… well, those stupid jerseys and socks probably burned your eyes just as much as they did mine.

      14 years ago at 5:32 am
    3. 1834

      Fuck you. You’re starting a nice opportunity for all of us to troll on your dumb ass

      14 years ago at 5:32 am
    4. FUBSU

      you won by a field goal, not a blowout… winning is winning, but Oregon did really well

      14 years ago at 5:54 am
    5. Quack Attack

      whatever go ahead, bottom line is auburn won because of a lucky roll play. if that doesnt happen more than likely its going to overtime and who knows…make fun, i dont care but this was a down year in college football. the best team, if there was a playoff, would be bama

      14 years ago at 5:55 am
    6. quack attack

      what i meant to say was, we were only in the game because the umpire picked the auburn defender who would have made the 4th down stop preceding our game tying score and conversion. beyond that, auburn most likely would have taken a shit on us in that last drive because they were undoubtedly the better team on the field. the “roll play” as i called it was the result of poor tackling by us and a heads up play by dyer. nothing about it was luck. thank you. sorry for the confusion. oh, and i meant to say that bama was a 3 loss team that also lost to auburn, the national champs.

      14 years ago at 6:06 am
    7. SEC Kay Dee

      Umpire? What game were you watching? I think we call them referees down here 🙂

      14 years ago at 6:22 am
    8. um seriously

      please quack attack, i go to bama & appreciate you saying we would be the best team in the playoffs….but lets be serious, we are not the best team this year

      14 years ago at 8:19 am
    9. JPC 1855

      hey SEC Kay Dee, before you open your mouth and pretend you know everything about everything, make sure you know that there is only 1 referee on the football field at all times. the other zebras have titles, and yes, one is an umpire. quack attack, yea it wasn’t a blow out, but auburn still won. you’re fighting a losing battle defending them on here.

      14 years ago at 4:10 pm
    1. HazeBalls

      Auburn has gone undefeated and not won the national championship before so we have no pity for you

      14 years ago at 5:34 am
    2. kappa swag

      No, Auburn is still the best team in the country. TCU plays in the Mountain West, and that’s why they’re not the best team in the country. That was cute though, nice try

      14 years ago at 5:37 am
    1. kappa swag

      ya nobody cares cause we’ve won the last 5 national championships. so you can go read a book, and I’m gonna go get drunk

      14 years ago at 5:56 am
    2. SEC, as usual

      “you can go read a book, and i’m gonna get drunk”
      haha best reply I have seen in a while, maybe ever

      14 years ago at 6:39 am
    1. FUBSU

      again? have fun winning at football you buthurt hicks, the real *win* came from the north in 1865

      14 years ago at 5:52 am
    2. kappa swag

      it’s pretty funny that the only thing you have to brag about is the civil war. we’re talking about football you fucking idiot

      14 years ago at 6:02 am
    3. Fratmaster Classic

      Give me a great FUBSU. I know it sucks to live in the North, but you have to let some things go. Go SEC.

      14 years ago at 6:10 am
    4. um seriously

      the civil war happened 150 years ago so shut the fuck up. thats seriously the last time you won anything.

      14 years ago at 8:15 am
    5. NCAA Browl Sanctions

      Won anything?

      New York Giants
      New York Yankees
      Philadelphia Phillies
      Boston Red Sox
      New England Patriots

      Cause those teams never won a championship…

      14 years ago at 3:35 pm
    6. Fratseph

      Most people in the South don’t give two shits about professional sports. There isn’t real compassion in professional football, it’s just that, a profession.

      14 years ago at 5:07 pm
    7. Always Fratty, Always

      I was actually referencing the again as to the Rangers vs. Yankees. A win. Auburn (in the south) vs Oregon (north). Auburn won.

      14 years ago at 11:16 pm