My Sperrys smell worse than the state of New Jersey. TFM.

    1. Roll Tide Roll

      alabama frats harder than any other state..Alabama>Texas>mississippi>louisiana.. no one else fucking matter after that.

      14 years ago at 11:41 pm
  1. Delta_Gam

    Uhm, Okay. Give it up. The NORTH won. Get an original flag. NJ parties harder than you EVER will. Don’t shit talk Jersey. It’s got more soul than Bama ever will!

    14 years ago at 2:12 am
    1. General E Lee

      Delta Gam can rot in hell, New Jersey doesn’t do anything better than Alabama, except for producing GDI shows like Jersey Shore.

      14 years ago at 8:58 am
    2. Kimbro slice1869

      Nothing goes down like an anchor.. you should stick to the early morning blow jobs and sandwich making, and leave the computers to men..

      14 years ago at 2:45 pm
    3. Delta_Gam

      “Jersey Shore” is an embarrassment to New Jersey. And anyone who is even somewhat educated would know that almost none of the people on the show actually live in New Jersey, except for Sammi, who still does not live near Seaside Heights. North Jersey and Staten Island are full of scummy, no class, guidos. BENNIES GO HOME

      14 years ago at 8:43 pm
  2. Capitalism

    I heard public urination is not only allowed but encouraged in NJ to help cover up the stench.

    14 years ago at 7:46 am
    1. PrettyLittle

      Actually, it’s still illegal here. And if you got off the Turnpike and left the oil refinery district in Elizabeth, the stench would go away.

      14 years ago at 1:21 pm
  3. MadFratter804

    New Jersey is one of the most expensive states to live in. Bergen County has the 3rd highest income for families in America. The alcohol laws are way more lax. Frank Sinatra is from there. Just like every other state, there’s bad parts. And lets face it, guidos are just as GDI as hillbilly ass sister fucking rednecks that buy their clothes from walmart.

    The privately owned golf course that I worked out in my hometown has the seconded largest American Flag in the country, following the one at the White House.

    I lived in the North, and in the South. Both have their goods and bads. If you can’t admit that, you’re ignorant. and ignorance isn’t American, or is it a TFM.

    14 years ago at 10:37 am
  4. johnwallofKD

    I love when people from or go to school in New Jersey try to defend the state. While Jersey Shore and the Real Housewives of New Jersey are playing on tv, we have every right to make fun of New Jersey. Get over it. This is one of the best TFMs I’ve read in a while.

    14 years ago at 5:09 pm
  5. Say_NO_to_Cargo

    Alabama and New Jersey are both fucking terrible states, Alabama being the worse of the two, but this was hilarious.

    14 years ago at 5:00 pm