I’ve seen him with 10+ posts on this website. So he is definitely more of a fratstar than either of you two hating GDIs will ever be. Oh, and nice grammer badfratitude. Get out of here.
yeah posting on tfm makes you frat. theres also nothing wrong with my grammar you fucking retard. and hes an associate member of MY fraternity so in fact i know hes a geed. kindly take a lap and fuck yourself
to bad badfratitude is right. warfrateagle was my pledge. he didnt make the grades so he is still an associate member. that being said he will out frat half of the poor gdi fucks on this site who have letters and a false sense of entitlment. letters are only half of it money is the other half so enjoy being half as good kids.
this is by far the gayest fucking tmf of all time.
14 years ago at 1:48 pmtfm*
14 years ago at 1:51 pmNot quite, big guy.
14 years ago at 1:58 pmI wouldn’t say gayest of all time… But it’s pretty gay
14 years ago at 2:00 pmsecond
14 years ago at 2:15 pmNice Grammar geeds.
14 years ago at 6:51 pmwarfrateagle isnt even initiated hes a fucking geed
14 years ago at 2:20 pmSo true, what a GDI
14 years ago at 3:27 pmI’ve seen him with 10+ posts on this website. So he is definitely more of a fratstar than either of you two hating GDIs will ever be. Oh, and nice grammer badfratitude. Get out of here.
14 years ago at 6:35 pmyeah posting on tfm makes you frat. theres also nothing wrong with my grammar you fucking retard. and hes an associate member of MY fraternity so in fact i know hes a geed. kindly take a lap and fuck yourself
14 years ago at 8:02 pmWhich Fraternity?
14 years ago at 9:10 pmpretending that you’re your own frat brother just to try to make yourself not look like a geed. NF
14 years ago at 2:12 amto bad badfratitude is right. warfrateagle was my pledge. he didnt make the grades so he is still an associate member. that being said he will out frat half of the poor gdi fucks on this site who have letters and a false sense of entitlment. letters are only half of it money is the other half so enjoy being half as good kids.
14 years ago at 3:25 pmtotal geed move
14 years ago at 2:38 pmdamn. that’s really, really gay
14 years ago at 2:41 pmI’m just trying to see what you mean as in dressing like an 80 year old. Would you be looking a little like this? http://images.mirror.co.uk/upl/m4/aug2009/6/8/10-08-09-image-2-620627642.jpg
14 years ago at 12:37 am